Everybody sins in one way or the other during his lifetime, and so is impure before God who is holy and righteous.
Because God loves us and is merciful, He doesn’t want anyone to go to hell because of his sins.
But God is just, and therefore doesn't leave our
sins unpunished. For this reason God instituted the offering of animal
sacrifices through Moses to accompany repentance. These sacrifices
however were not sufficient in redeeming the sinner completely. Man
continued sinning and therefore had to keep on offering sacrifices. God
used sacrifices as a sign of what was going to happen in the future,
just as He did when He redeemed Abraham's son with the ram of
redemption, in order to let man understand the necessity of what He
intended to do. Because a person's life is too precious and costly to
be redeemed by another person or an animal, God had to redeem us
Himself. It was necessary because no person is holy and righteous
enough to save himself. God the Greatest, able to do anything He
pleases, did this through the Messiah (Christ) Jesus.
And so the Eternal Word of God became flesh, and
Jesus the Messiah was born from a virgin through the miraculous working
of the Holy Spirit of God. He lived a glorious life without sin,
performed many wonderful miracles and in the fullness of time was
crucified at the hands of those who didn't accept Him as the Messiah.
In no way did He deserve this, and He was able to avoid the crucifixion
if He wanted to, for it is He who worked great miracles. He was willing
to go to the cross in order to fulfil God's will and the purpose that
He came for. This He confirmed Himself and the prophets before Him
prophesied it (e.g. in the Dead Sea Scrolls: Isaiah 7:14; 9:5-6; 53).
He gave himself for us and died in our place, taking the punishment for
our sins, and so fulfilled the purpose that He came for, namely to be
the final and perfect sacrifice for our redemption. On the third day He
rose from the dead, and after having spoken to his disciples, forty
days after his resurrection, ascended into heaven where He still is and
will be coming from on judgement day. He was the only one worthy enough
to carry the sins of the world, because He was the only one without
You can receive the gift of salvation as well as
complete forgiveness of your sins, and have the assurance of eternal
life in heaven, through faith, by accepting Jesus Christ's sacrifice
for your sins.