Into the Depths of

in C. S. Lewis'
The Chronicles of Narnia
Page 3
Page 1 Introduction
Page 2 Theological beliefs
Page 4 Liquor, Tobacco and
Page 5 Sun Worship
Page 6 Further Into the Depths of Satan
Page 7 Dionysus, Bacchus, Silenus and the
No one under 18 without parental permission, please.
Page 8 Witchcraft Practices
and Characters
Page 9 Luciferianism and the Secret Doctrine
If you have not read the first part of this article, please go to
Page 1 Introduction.
C. S. Lewis' most famous books are perhaps the Chronicles of Narnia,
his occult, fantasy books for children. In them he went to great lengths
to glorify and promote many occult ideas. While some maintain that
the spiritual idea behind the fantasy is the truth of scripture, the cold
hard facts point in the completely opposite direction. He was introducing
children to witchcraft through esoteric (hidden meanings) writings. Let's
take a closer look.
First of all, it is necessary to get some background in order to see
where C. S. Lewis was headed with his "fantasy" stories. Lewis was
good friends with Charles Williams and J.R.R. Tolkien (author of the occultic
Lord of the Rings Trilogy). All three were part of a group of
writers called the
Of this group, one friend felt that Williams, and maybe Tolkien, were
the two that influenced Lewis' thinking the most. Williams, a professing
Christian, was espebliplly close to him and taught Lewis the "white witchcraft"
delusion of being able to take someone's pain for them and suffer it in one's
own body. They cast this "talent" in a Christian light, and Lewis later
claimed to have this ability and to have used it on behalf of his wife. (1)
Exodus 22:18 Thou shalt not suffer a
witch to live. Ephesians 4:27
Neither give place to the devil.
The writings of these three Inklings are so overt in mixing paganism with
alleged Christianity, that one reprobate has even suggested them as a shining
example for bringing neo-paganism and Christianity together "peacefully!"
Lewis and Williams also drank and smoked together (2) which is hardly
surprising considering how often drinking wine and strong drink is mentioned
in Lewis' "children's" books! Proverbs
20:1 Wine is a mocker, strong drink is raging: and whosoever
is deceived thereby is not wise. (Photo: One of
Lewis' favorite pubs, "The Eagle and Child," familiarly known as "The Bird
and Baby.")
Charles Williams was also a member of the highly devilsh, Qabalistic
"Order of the Golden Dawn," and was an active member for several years.
(The "Order of the Golden Dawn" was primarily made up of mystical "christians"
and former followers of Madame Blavatsky that still adhered to Luciferianism.)
A number of his works reflect this. "Shadows of Ecstasy pulsates
with the Hermetic dictum, 'as above, so below.' piano covers in Heaven concerns
the Grail, Many Dimensions the Philosopher's Stone, and The
Place of the Lion the Platonic archetypes. We are confronted with
the Tarot deck in The Greater Trumps, necromancey in All Hallow's
Eve, and ghosts, witchcraft, and damnation in Descent into Hell."
(3) We are piano coversned in scripture that the friends we choose
can influence us to evil, yet Lewis chose this blatantly ungodly man for
his close friend. Proverbs 22:24 Make no
friendship with an angry man; and with a furious man thou shalt not go:
25 Lest thou learn his ways, and get a snare to thy soul. Lewis
not only got a snare to his own soul, he has tried to pass it on to children!
Lewis and Williams are said to have helped to keep the Luciferian concept
of the Holy Grail alive. "The symbol of the Grail as a mysterious object
of search and as the source of the ultimate mystical, or even physical,
experience has persisted into the present century in the novels of Charles
Williams, C.S. Lewis..."(4) Lewis and his two writer buddies,
Williams and J.R.R Tolkien, of the infamous Inklings, appear to be
strongly connected with the Priory of Sion mystery of Rennes-le-Chateau;
otherwise know as the so-called "holy bloodline" or "Merovingian" mystery
which claims that Jesus Christ and Mary Magdalene were wed, had children
and that their descendants became the rightful royalty of Europe, particularly
France and Scotland. (5) It would hardly be surprising that Lewis would
believe this blasphemous, repulsive lie since he had such a high regard for
myths and had studied them so extensively. [See quote above.] The so-called
"holy bloodline" is also the same as or symbolised by the "holy grail."
Some of the strange story lines which Lewis "invented" for his stories
may not be so strange when compared with the mythology that surrounds the
Priory of Sion mystery. The simple fact that plain English school children
could actually be
smacks of the hidden identity of the members of the "holy bloodline"
today and for many years past. Also, we find the "Prince Caspian"marries
a wife who has "the blood of the stars" in her. (See chapters 13&14 in
The Voyage of the Dawn Treader, and pg. 50 of The Silver
Add to this the fact that Narnia is not a "make believe" place somewhere
in Lewis' imagination, but an actual town that existed in Italy (later called
Narni)(5), and you can see that Lewis may have been writing about things
that he believed to be true. Strangely enough, the Priory of Sion farce
resurfaced during the Middle Ages in Calabria, Italy; and then moved to France!
(6) (The existence of a Narnia as a real place on earth may account
for Lewis' use of the expression "What on earth..." in the Chronicles
thus placing all this fantastic story line soundly on our planet. This
then makes sense to those in witchcraft and paganism who believe the myths
and idolatry from which he gleaned his plots, characters, etc. It is the
doctrine of an invisible reality that can only be reached through magical
means.) (Photo: A tower in Narni, Italy.)
Remember that these books are passed off as being an allegory of God's
truth. In the first place, if this is so, then what is Lewis ashamed
of that he must hide it so carefully in allegorical terminology?
Romans 1:16 For I am not ashamed of the gospel
of Christ: for it is the power of God unto salvation to every one that believeth;
to the blip first, and also to the Greek. And again,
Romans 9:33 As it is written, Behold, I lay
in Sion a stumblingstone and rock of offence: and whosoever believeth on
him shall not be ashamed. If C.S. Lewis really believed
on the Lord Jesus Christ (and there is good reason to believe he did not),
then why was he so ashamed of the gospel?
As we study the Chronicles of Narnia, the dark and ugly truth will come
to light. We will find that the symbolism that he used and things he included
in the stories are extremely blasphemous. In the end he is casting
the truth of God as the same as and the fulfillment of paganism and witchcraft.
(Remember the quotes on Christ fulfilling paganism in his
This seems like as good a place as any to dig in and see what
we can find as we go:
Profanity and Blasphemy
Next, we find that C. S. Lewis put profanity and blaspheming of God's
name in his book. While this it most common in his Space Trilogy,
it also appears in the Narnia books which are for children. Using
profanity and swearing for "realism" is out of line to begin with, and espebliplly
so in books for kids! Exodus 20:7 Thou
shalt not take the name of the LORD thy God in vain; for the LORD will not
hold him guiltless that taketh his name in vain. There
are no exceptions made here for making fiction "realistic." In fact,
the Bible itself gives us an example of how this is to be handled even in
a true account. Matthew 26:72 And again
he denied with an oath, I do not know the man.
73 And after a while came unto him they
that stood by, and said to Peter, Surely thou also art one of them;
for thy speech bewrayeth thee. 74 Then began he to curse and to swear,
saying, I know not the man. And immediately the cock crew.
The Silver Chair -- "dam"
The Magiblipn's Nephew -- "Gawd", "dem" three times. ("Dam" and "dem"
stand for "damn." "Gawd" is "God.")
The word "ass" appears in 4 of the books. Being British, it probably
did not mean the same to him as it does to Americans (as a swear word), but
he could have left it out, espebliplly since he only used it four times and
did use "donkey" in other places. However, considering the filthy state
of his mind, it is possible that he thought this cute.
Added to this, in these Narnia books we find the "good guys" swearing
by Aslan. Now, IF Aslan is really a picture of Christ, as some would
assure us, then would it not follow that swearing by his name is blasphemy?
When the Narnians swear "by the mane of Aslan" or "by the Lion's mane"
would it not equal swearing by the Jesus' whiskers (commonly shortened to
"jeewhiz") if Aslan is really a picture of Christ? And wouldn't
it follow that "by Aslan" would equal "by God" and "what in the name of Aslan"
would equal "what in God's name" if these people's claims are accurate? Why
would Lewis be so careless? It certainly does not fit the picture
of a "good, godly Christian" as he was supposed to be!
On p. 191 of The Horse and His Boy, Aravis says to the horse Bree,
"Why do you keep on swearing by the Lion and by the Lion's Mane? I
thought you hated lions." To this Lewis has Bree reply, "so I do, but
when I speak of the Lion, of course I mean Aslan. All Narnians swear
by him." [emphasis added]
Here we turn our attention to the darker and esoteric meanings of the
Chronicles of Narnia. As we progress with this study it will
become clear that C. S. Lewis was not glorifying the Lord Jesus Christ with
these stories, but rather was putting forth sun worship and other pagan idolatry
and witchcraft by using hidden meanings and symbolism. Since he professed
to believe that Christ was the fulfillment of paganism ("...as I believe,
Christ,...fulfills both Paganism and Judaism..."; p. 129; Reflections
on the Psalms) it is not surprising that there are things in these books
that would lead one to think that Lewis was writing an allegory of Christianity;
but, when his terminology, characters, and such are examined closely it becomes
apparent that he had something else on his mind.
Remember, his good friend, Charles Williams, was a member of the "Order
of the Golden Dawn." This group is to have been originally composed
of two groups -- some professing Christianity, and some who had left Madam
Blavatsky's Theosophical Society and did not profess Christianity. So,
C.S. Lewis had this imputed into his thinking as well as his medieval studies,
which abounded in pagan ideas and superstition.
When Lewis has Bree say, "All Narnians swear by him" an interesting
point comes to light. All Christians do not swear by Christ
or God. In fact, Christians that are trying to ...live
godly in Christ Jesus... (2Timothy 3:12 ) know that this
is totally unacceptable for a Christian! Titus
2:12 Teaching us that, denying ungodliness and worldly lusts, we should
live soberly, righteously, and godly, in this present world; On
the other hand, all sun worshippers do swear by the sun! Mr. Lewis
has condemned himself by his own words! Matthew
12:37 For by thy words thou shalt be justified, and by thy words thou
shalt be condemned.
Page 5 Sun Worship
Page 6 Further Into the Depths of Satan
by Mary Van Nattan
(1) Light on C. S. Lewis; written by various of his friends and edited
by Jocelyn Gibb; p. 63.
(2) Essays Presented to Charles Williams; edited by C. S. Lewis. From
the preface.
Charles A. Coulombe; http://www.thinline.com/~ccoulomb/hermetic.html
(4) From Portico - The British Library's Online Information Server;
(5) From the Encyclopedia Britannica, 1963 edition, vol. 16, p.119; "a town
and episcopal see of the province of Terni, region of Umbria,
Italy...picturesquely situated on a lofty rock (787 ft.)...taken by the Romans
in 299 B.C....According to some author, the emperor Nerva was born at Narnia.
The town played a considerable part in military history. In the
middle ages Narni was under papal power..." It is also the geographic
center of Italy. http://www.videonet.it/servizi/aziende/fort/pronaing.htm
Added to this, Narni has a large medieval festival every year
in May. One of the events is "The Race of the Ring."
Whether Lewis had a knowledge of Narni and it's customs, is uncertain,
but there are things that seem to connect.
(6) "The Mysteries of Rennes-le-Chateau and the Prieure du Sion"; by Steve
Mizrach; http://www.clas.ufl.edu/users/seeker1/fortpages/rennes-sion.html
Some information for this article was obtained from a documented paper
written by an unknown author. We wish that we could give the proper
credit, but the Lord knows who they are will repiano coversd them properly on that
background and most graphics by mary