I knew this would happen, so here it is. I am sure we will have more on this transition.
Date: Tue, 9 Feb 1999 12:32:50 -0800 (PST)
From: _______________
To: steve@balaams-ass.com Hi Steve,
It is B__________ writing, and I have something for your interest. Last Sunday, I got a call from one of those I know deeply involved in the Brownsville Movement to stop by to say hi to a group of them "praying" at their church.
I stopped and on the bulletin board of this very wannabe the next brownsville type church bulletin board was an announcement of an upcoming conference in Ohio, where the featured speakers will be John Kilpatrick's wife Brenda, Lila Terhune, the 'INTERCESSORY PRAYER COORDINATOR" of the brownsville revival and Ruth Heflin, a woman deeply involved in the blipish movement and who not only has spoken at Brownsville, but whose two books Glory and Revival Glory are the "IN" thing to read and imitate among the brownsville groupie crowd,
I know that the pastor of the church where I saw this info has read her book from the pulpit as a sermon..It claims that you know longer have to pray..just DANCE and the GLORY falls and Satan is defeated. This is basically what this conference is about because the name of the women's conference is 'DANCING INTO GLORY"
The woman pastor sponsoring this event is also featured on the announcement and visits Brownsville frequently and it is her church that many from my area first attended two years ago and brought back "IT" and the brownsville heresy to the area... Her name is Diane Sloan. A bunch of them involved are all attending this March conference.
So, I know you are wondering what use is this to you. Well...as I was reading on your site about the coming together of charasmania and the Promise Keepers etc. united against the true church of the Lord Jesus Christ..I think going to this website will further enlighten you to the speed and progress of these abominations coming together... the website is HAMILTON CHRISTIAN CENTER..ADRESSS IS:
When you get there..click on conferences and you will see the announcement of the upcoming event with all those I mentioned above...INTERESTINGLY, as Brownsville leadership has scorned any connection with Toronto..look at the "credentials" touted under Brenda Kilpatrick ...to quote.."BRENDA RECEIVED A TOUCH PRECEDING THE OUTPOURING OF THE HOLY SPIRIT IN BROWNSVILLE...THAT HELPED SPARK THE REVIVAL"...It is well know that she went to Toronto to receive 'THE TOUCH'..so while they are on one hand denying connections with Toronto here they boast of it...
I was told by someone who attended the conference two years ago that one of the women in their group went into birth pains and labour in the middle of the ministry time and BIRTHED SOMETHING.... THEY WERE NOT SURE WHAT BUT SAID PROBABLY REVIVAL SOMEWHERE. So this conference is a place where Satan is specifically using the women to learn these false teachings and bring them back to their home churches..
Anyway, Steve, take a good look at these women on this site. They are the leading false heretics being used to usher in the last days apostacy... True to the claims on your site.... after you view this, go back and click on links....you will see the following...Promise Keepers.. Jack Hayford..TBN..Brownsville..Focus on the Family..and something you probably already know about ...TEEN MANIA..acquire the fire..I went there and STEVE... IF ANYONE DOUBTS YOUR CLAIMS ABOUT THEM BECOMING MILITANT AND PREPARING TO MAKE piano covers WITH THE SAINTS THIS SITE WILL DISPEL ALL DOUBT.. This Teen Mania says it has an INTERNATIONAL HEADQUARTERS.. IN TEXAS.... a 450 acre place it says is a STATE OF THE ART blip.... I AM NOT KIDDING.... IT SAYS blip.... you should go there and read all this stuff for yourself..
They are having a conference too, and the speakers will be Bev Lahaye and Jack Hayford.
Anyway, Steve, this is all a fruit of Brownsville and being encouraged by the Brownsville crowd.... I think you will see even more how the last days apostacy is coming together... Just go to Hamilton Christian Center on the above website address and see.
God Bless.....B_____________
Brenda Kilpatrick and her husband John have been Sr. Pastors at Brownsville Assembly of God Since 1981. Brenda received a touch preceding the Outpouring of the Holy Spirit in Brownsville. that helped to spark Revival.
Lila Terhune is an Intercessory Prayer Coordinator along with her husband Bob. She believes the greatest Outpouring of the Holy Spirit is next on God's calendar. Lila brings a wealth of information about effective intercession through praise.
Ruth piano coversd Heflin has been a christian minister among the nations for nearly
40 years. She currently pastors Calvary Pentecostal Campground in Ashland, VA.
as well as Mt Zion Fellowship an International prayer ministry in JerBliplem.
She has been guest chaplain to open the U.S. Congress and the Pennsylvania Senate.
Known for her Gospel Songwriting and her best selling book "Glory" which has
been translated into 12 languages. "Glory" and "Revival Glory" are being used
world wide as handbooks for Revival.
This is the beginning, but watch for more Zionism and Cabalistic raging in Charismatic circles.
MARCH 1999 Update: Gold Dust Oozing From their Skin and all Over the Prophet
Date: Sat, 27 Feb 1999 01:43:19 -0800 (PST)
From: b_____________
Subject: Ruth Heflin's "Gold Dust" heresy
To: steve@balaams-ass.com
Dear Steve,
I just received an e-mail from the contenders website showing an occultic catholic like mystical heresy being propopogated from a major player in the brownsville movement...Ruth Heflin, who along with Brenda Kilpatrick will be speaking at the Dancing into Glory Conference in Ohio in March. It concerns what they term Gold Dust from heaven appearing on who Ruth Heflin calls a "holy woman" at her campground in Ashland Virginia.. [We are told that the "holy woman" is a Brazilian woman in residence there.] She also claims that gold oozes from [the woman's] pores and that this "holy woman" has seen visions of Benny Hinn with the gold dust appearing on him. I won't spoil anymore of the story go to the following website...
After the story...at the bottom of the page you can click to her home page and see in her newsletters that the gold dust is "appearing" on people at meetings in her ministry in JerBliplem. In one newsletter she boasts she is getting ready to celebrate Holy week..an obvious catholic tradition..but to no surprise she claims in her biography on her home page that she is"equally at home with catholics..as well as being experienced in a wide spectrum of blipish endeavors"..as you noted in your website that she is involved in the blip Roots Movement...
One newsletter she said she is getting ready to celebrate the 50th anniversary of blip and the JUBILEE..she says in her JerBliplem meetings they call the gold..."ANGEL DUST"..
AND FINALLY...please read some of the quotes from her two books revival and revival glory to see the heresy that brownsville has embraced ..she has spoken there and they revere her 'DOCTRINES' in these books as blueprints for revival..and one pastor from a church trying to imitate brownsville read the book from the puplit instead of the bible..she has become the new guru for many of the brownsville groupies and when you read her quotes you can see this is clearly not biblical christianity. But this gold story takes the cake....God Bless.....B_________