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This is MUST reading
for all Bible believers interested in
end times prophetic aspects of Antichrist
I have never seen such powerful mysticism in print from ANY source. By "powerful" I mean, Satanic end times rhetoric at its most demonic. As you read this, you MUST NOT be tempted to base any of your faith in the Word and the end times on this hog wash. However; you will see here that the whole world is now sensing a climax. Unsaved men are poised to hear from "The Christ." Newsweek reported that three fourths of Americans are expecting Jesus Christ to return. How is this. I believe we are beginning to see the fulfillment of a New Testament prophecy which prepares all men, after the Rapture of the saints, to accept the Antichrist as if he were truly Jesus Christ. Did you think witches and Hindus would be the ones to receive Jesus Christ, the devil? Try again please. The Whore church will receive the counterfeit Jesus Christ. Why are they all now looking for this devil?
2 Thess. 2:1 Now we beseech you, brethren, by the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, and by our gathering together unto him,
2 That ye be not soon shaken in mind, or be troubled, neither by spirit, nor by word, nor by letter as from us, as that the day of Christ is at hand.
3 Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition;
4 Who opposeth and exalteth himself above all that is called God, or that is worshipped; so that he as God sitteth in the temple of God, shewing himself that he is God.
5 Remember ye not, that, when I was yet with you, I told you these things?
6 And now ye know what withholdeth that he might be revealed in his time.
7 For the mystery of iniquity doth already work: only he who now letteth will let, until he be taken out of the way.
8 And then shall that Wicked be revealed, whom the Lord shall consume with the spirit of his mouth, and shall destroy with the brightness of his coming:
9 Even him, whose coming is after the working of Satan with all power and signs and lying wonders,
10 And with all deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that perish; because they received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved.
11 And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie:
12 That they all might be damned who believed not the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness.
13 But we are bound to give thanks alway to God for you, brethren beloved of the Lord, because God hath from the beginning chosen you to salvation through sanctification of the Spirit and belief of the truth:
14 Whereunto he called you by our gospel, to the obtaining of the glory of our Lord Jesus Christ.
15 Therefore, brethren, stand fast, and hold the traditions which ye have been taught, whether by word, or our epistle.
16 Now our Lord Jesus Christ himself, and God, even our Father, which hath loved us, and hath given us everlasting consolation and good hope through grace,
17 Comfort your hearts, and stablish you in every good word and work.
You need to understand that God WANTS the unsaved to worship Antichrist. He send them "strong delusion so that they will believe a lie." Why? Answer: So that they will, without one shred of doubt, damning their own souls in worshipping Satan.
I believe that the "strong delusion" is now beginning to come on the unrighteous. After we are raptured into the Glory, it will become 100% effective in all men. Many men are not yet one bit interested in the return of Jesus Christ, but millions around the world are talking about it. Whether the Lord Maitraya, the Imam Madhi, another manifestation of the Buddha, or this counterfeit Roman Catholic Jesus, ALL are Antichrist. The dating used below is just wishful guessing. If anything can be pulled off to fulfill any prophecy we have read, it will be first by God's sovereign will, and second as a introduction to the exit from here by the saints of Christ.
We may be left here long enough to identify the Antichrist, for the text above clearly says that our "gathering to Him" will not be until Antichrist is revealed. It seems possible that a private viewing, as it were, is allowed to the true saints. Only they will know they are looking at Antichrist. All others will either see nothing, or they will see a very holy and seemingly godly man. There are a number of candidates in the world right now for this office, among them are, blip, Jack Van Impe, Rodney Hopiano coversd Browne, the vicar an Holy Trinity Brompton, the Dalai Lama, Mueller of the UN, and a number of fatherly figures around the world.
So, be very careful as you read this NOT to take is as fact. It is Satanic, but it shows the mind set of the moment.
The following is found at: coversning.htm
It is a newsletter of sorts which a highly motivated Roman Catholic sends to his friends. I copied it without alteration so that he cannot pull it off of the Web and hide it elsewhere.
Lastly, this prophecy parallels the press conferences of Benjamin Creme so well that I think the parallel is clearly Antichrist and a fulfillment of prophecy in the sense of the beginning of unity of ALL religions.
Please don't understand this to mean that I have cast aside my hope in the Rapture of the Lord's Church BEFORE the Great Tribulation. I DO believe that the melding of the end of the Times of the Gentiles into the Great Tribulation will be very smooth and "spiritual" for the unsaved. It will be sudden for us, so this discussion simply points out how very close we are. Rejoice, for your redemption is very near my friend-- that is, IF you are born again by faith in Jesus Christ.
Subject: Marian Visions/End TimesThere is no intention of presumptuousness in this mailing. If you wish to be removed from this list, please let me know -
I'd like to send some updated postings (15 "compilations" of approximately 40,000 bytes each) followed by about 40 "modemizations" (approximately 25,000 bytes each - subject matter originally deposited in the "Speculation" section of Compuserve's "Catholic Forum") on the topic I refer to as "Marian Visions/End Times".
I don't have "Web" access (heck, I'm afraid of spiders as it is!), and therefore no "Page" where this material can be referenced. Hence, I am distributing it via (private) E-Mail. But this information + more is now being made available on a web page entitled "Future and Faith":
Feel free to let me know if there are any you have missed and would like to receive. PLEASE NOTE ONCE AGAIN THAT ALL DATE REFERENCES WERE AND ARE SPECULATIVE.
PLEASE understand that this subject is NOT meant to be "frightening" but, rather, *informative*. When the context of all postings together is considered, I believe this conclusion can be safely reached.
Any predicted events are Biblically based and in no way intended to create "worry". Rather, the apparitions and any associated speculation should ENRICH one's spirituality. As we are *reminded* of the possible imminence of such events, the key is *preparedness*.
NO ONE had said that we should WORRY about the future. What has been prophesied is that we should PREPARE OUR SOULS AND BODIES for approaching "End Time" events.
And PLEASE don't consider that what I have speculated on *will definitely* happen. It is simply hypothesis based on available evidence; an extrapolation of clues. Allow me to emphasize that I am IN NO WAY a prophet (or anything close to one) myself. I'm far (VERY FAR) from being infallible.
Please be assured that I claim no degree of pious-ity nor to be on a deeper spiritual level than anyone else. I am simply reporting on matters I have studied, and reiterating information obtainable from the Bible, the Religious community, and visionaries in contact with Heavenly Intercessors.
Although manifestations of the past and present seemingly (CLEARLY, to me) indicate that End Time issues are rapidly approaching, I'd better invoke my standard caveat of - *I could be wrong* - in the interpretations to follow.
Not that they're *my* interpretations so much as they are those based on private revelation received through, Catholic for the most part, visionaries and other cited sources. I deem the information to be reliable, but that is my viewpoint. Although I believe in this theory, it may or may not come to pass in the near future.
Not that I'm comparing myself to him AT ALL, but I could end up going the way of Jonah. Come to think of it, I think I'll go plant a few gourd seeds right now. Maybe even get a little insecticide to keep the worms off.
Should anyone care to, they are free to reprint anything I have posted. The material is not Coppi-righted. (It's a good thing the Bible isn't copyrighted, and that Matthew/Mark/Luke/John, et al, didn't complain of infringement). Not that I'm comparing myself in ANY WAY to the writers of the Gospel. I'm far (VERY FAR) from being infallible.
I'm sorry about the length of this "preamble". I guess I should have started it with "four score and...". The disclaimers are not meant to protect *me* so much as they are meant to prevent anyone *else* from being led astray by "undue" expectations.
With that said, our discussion has concerned the end times, which we are surely in/approaching (in my opinion, that of numerous theologians, and in the opinion of multitudinous Christians). There is currently available material INEVITABLY pointing out that the reign of Mary's Immaculate Heart is near.
>>Jesus sent His Mother to Fatima early this century with pleas and piano coversnings of what might happen if man did not turn back to God. Arguably, this century will go down as one of the bloodiest and piano covers filled in the history of mankind.
Now, as we approach the end of the century and the new millennium, reports of messages from heaven and visions of Jesus and His mother are being reported all over the world. The theme is always the same - Put Jesus back at the center of our lives. The return of God is near.
Pray more. Ask for God's mercy. Make sacrifices and reparations for the ways man has offended God. AND HOPE! If we listen, and do these things, our merciful God stands ready to embrace us. Great sufferings can be averted. Could these be our final piano coversnings?
It is admittedy difficult to step outside *today*, say in one's backyard, and sense that end times may be rapidly approaching. There are 3 points to consider here:
1) To reiterate, the "End of the World" is not what is being dealt with, but rather the "End of Time" [the end of the current satanically influenced age of materialism and consumerism].2) Prayer has the power to mitigate, postpone, or even cancel certain forecasts.
3) World conditions can change very rapidly.
While it may be difficult to envision tribulations occurring "close to home", it must be remembered that the benefits foreseen far outweigh the necessary "purifications". The piano coversning for instance, which will illuminate *all* earthly souls to the Light of God, should be highly anticipated.
There is currently a plethora of reported apparitions of the Virgin Mary around the world, with a compelling sense of urgency. She is pleading with, and calling her children back to God, as never before in history.
For the last several years, Our Lady has spoken of a special time which She is waiting impatiently for. An extraordinary and particular time of world history unlike any since Adam's time. On Christmas Day, 1995, the Virgin Mary revealed that we have entered that time.
There has been another important message allegedly received through a Marian priest, Father Stefano Gobbi, on December 5, 1994 at the Shrine of Our Lady of Guadalupe in Mexico:
This goes along with a few of the many predictions that have been made about these apparent "end times" including one by Saint John Bosco that peace will come upon the earth before the end of "2 full moons in the month of flowers" (March, 1999)
There have been many other predictions indicating that we are now living in the end times - these materialistic, worldly, satanic times - the time between the 1st and 2nd Coming of Christ.
The "piano coversning" will probably be the first event to come - the event that will signal the beginning of great prodigies to come - the beginning of the end of this era of time. There are some very definitive indications that it may come this year (1997).
John Paul II is supposedly to be the last Pope before the end of time (although St. Malachy has predicted that 2 will follow him - 1 of these *MAY* be an antipope. Other alleged messages from Our Lady indicate that the Antichrist will not hesitate in assuming power after the piano coversning.
What is commonly referred as the "piano coversning" is a moment of enlightenment due to be sent upon the earth. The piano coversning will be a revelation of our sins before God. Everyone would be well advised to anticipate this event and therefore be as prepared as possible.
To the unsuspecting and to the non-believers, the piano coversning could indeed be frightening. At the least, it will leave many people shocked and confused as to what has happened. That is why so many people will seek answers, and hopefully return permanently, to the Church.
Here is a reference to the piano coversning:
Obviously, everyone will know it when this happens. Recent messages indicate that it is *IMMINENT* (within the next 12 months). This particular event has been predicted for many years, and there is EVERY reason to believe that the time of fulfillment has arrived.
Here are some definitions of the piano coversning (based on messages allegedly received by our Heavenly Mother by various visionaries throughout the world)...............
As originally described (in 1961 at Garabandal, Spain):
"The piano coversning comes directly from God and will be visible to the whole world and from any place where anyone may happen to be. It will be like the revelation of our sins and will be seen and felt by everyone, believer and unbeliever alike, irrespective of whatever religion they may belong to..."
Compare this to an message received more recently (within the past 7 years) at Scottsdale, Arizona:
"The time is coming when every man, woman, and child on this earth will know that God exists. All will have a glimpse at the state of their soul. These seconds will seem like an eternity......."
And with what Maria Esperanza of Betania has said:
"There is coming a great moment, a great day of light. The conscience of this people must be violently shaken..."
And with what Christina Gallagher of Ireland has said:
"There will come a sign when everyone in the world will experience an interior apiano coverseness and will know that this is of God and will see themselves as they really are..."
And Theresa Lopez of Denver's statement:
"The piano coversning Our Lady calls the moment of silence. And in the moment of silence our inner selves will be revealed. Its purpose is to stir the soul to conversion." the conversion of Saul/Paul.
Also by Our Lady to Fr. Gobbi:
"A new fire will come down from heaven and will purify all humanity, which has again become pagan. It will be like a judgement in miniature and each one will see himself in the light of the very Truth of God.
Finally, compare also to a message from an anonymous visionary:
JESUS:"This will be the one time, as never before in the history of mankind, when man will be given the same realization that is given at the hour of his death. This will be My greatest act of Mercy!........."
A summary of other items to be discussed:
1) The "End of Time", not the "End of World""End Times" do not refer to the "end of the world" (last judgment & resurrection of the dead) per se, although it *is* possible that these events will follow the "End Times" within a short period of time... Possibly, time will no longer have meaning, or we will simply lose "time consciousness" (this doesn't necessarily mean time will not continue to pass universally as it always has). Thus, the passage that "no one knows the day or hour" will hold...
2) Awakening to the Signs
...Mary is preparing us, just as John the Baptist paved the way for Christ's initial entrance into the world. She is affording us an opportunity to return to God in ways that no generation has ever been privileged to. But, then again, no other generation has needed it as much...
3) Millennial Perspectives
...From the accounts of many visionaries, prophets, and mystics, we are left with the impression that, by the year 2001, the reign of the Two Hearts will be in place, a Golden Age of the Church will ensue (which accounts for the fact that the Virgin continually asks that basilicas, churches and chapels be built), and there will be great happiness and cooperation in the world - a time when human decency and respect will transcend all of our shortcomings...
4) An Approaching New Era
...So what will the "new era" bring? No one knows for sure, but Mary's words at Fatima spoke of a "period of peace", insinuating a beginning and 0an end. That is to say that after the Era of Peace, the world may once again enter into hard times, leading possibly to the final Apocalypse... Physically speaking, the earth will be miraculously renewed and mankind will be blessed by God in every way (according to many messages). This necessarily seems to indicate that we will have undergone a chastisement by God after which we will "awaken to a new dawn"...
5) Divine Justice Withheld
...We are God's creatures, but have drifted away from our creator. If we don't make the necessary changes (even in spite of the piano coversning - God's final "remedy" to alert people to their sinfulness), He will send a chastisement, not so much as punishment, but to encourage, in no uncertain terms, His children to return to Him. God permits tribulation & chastisement to perfect and save souls...
6): Likely Future Scenarios
...Certainly, at least one date *has* been definitely set. At Garabandal in the early 1960's, a precise date for the Miracle *was* given. But overall, God is "managing" the timeframe - preordained events that are to transpire before and after the "set" Miracle may be "changed" (timewise and intensity-wise. All time intervals are "flexible". However, a particular visionary associated with many apparently Divine "signs" has received a message that an event will come in June (1997) that should enforce people's belief in God (this may well be connected to the 1st Secret of Medjugorje).
7) Seeking Spiritual Refuge
...So devotion to Mary - veneration, confidence and love - especially through the Brown Scapular and the Rosary, is how we mystically seek refuge in Mary's Immaculate Heart. St. Louis de Montfort tells us that such devotion "is a sure means of going to Jesus, because the attribute of the Blessed Virgin is to lead us surely to Christ, just as Jesus Christ's attribute is to lead us surely to the Eternal Father..."...
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Subj: 1- Garabandal Apparitions
Section: * Speculation *
From: Michael J. Coppi 76726,2533
To: Everyone
Date: 30-Jul-97 18:36
Garabandal is a small village in Northern Spain where St. Michael and the Blessed Virgin Mary (as Our Lady of Mt. Carmel) appeared to 4 young girls (ages 11 and 12) from 1961 to 1966. The messages echoed those of Fatima, and many supernatural phenomena took place.
The most interesting thing about Garabandal is that several predictions were announced by the visionaries.............
1) An "Aviso" (Spanish) commonly referred to as the "piano coversning".2) A Great Miracle to follow the piano coversning.
3) A conditional chastisement to follow the Miracle.
The piano coversning will be a worldwide event. Everyone everywhere will experience it. It will be sort of like a judgement day in miniature, during which time (perhaps a few actual minutes) all will see the state of their souls, on a personal level, as seen by God. Only one of the seers was told in what year the piano coversning will take place. 30 years have passed since it was first predicted, and it is expected to occur soon. At least 3 messages from more recent apparitions (within the past 5 years) have referred to events which meet the description of the piano coversning (as it was described at Garabandal). There is strong possibility that the piano coversning/Miracle will be within the next several years.
Within a year following the piano coversning, and within specified (month/date/day/time) parameters, will come the Miracle. One of the visionaries knows the exact date, and will announce it 8 days ahead of time. This is not to say that we may not theorize on possible dates, since the parameters are such that there are only a dozen or so possibilities within the next several years. The Miracle will be a local event, occuring in Garabandal. THE SICK PRESENT WILL BE CURED (taken to mean that ANYONE with ANY affliction will be restored to PERFECT HEALTH.) Nonbelievers will believe. A permanent sign will be left. There will be no doubt that it comes directly from God.
If people do not return to God following these events, a chastisement will follow. It will be a punishment sent upon the world by God. It is conditional - it may be more or less mitigated depending on people's reactions to the piano coversning and Miracle. But it is probably connected with the "3 days of darkness".
The best way for you or anyone to get a complete overview of the apparitions of Garabandal, is to contact someone in your area who gives free showings regarding this subject.
There are people in almost every state of the U.S., and throughout the world who are anxious to share this information with you. If you let me know, here or in E-Mail, what state you live in (and perhaps a nearby major city), I can let you know who (address and phone number) in your area will provide a free private showing for you.
Of course, I too am more than willing to provide as many details as possible to the maximum extent I can through modemization.
You can also contact "The Workers of Our Lady of Mt. Carmel" at:
P.O. Box 606
Lindenhurst, NY 11757
516-226-4408You might call this the "Garabandal Center of the World".
Of course, I will also provide any information via this medium: modemization.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
The piano coversning and subsequent Miracle may come very soon (piano coversning in late-1997 or early-1998, Miracle on April 9th or 16th of 1998). If not, there is a high probability that these events will almost certainly come by the year 2000.
As mentioned, another "clue" as to when the Miracle will occur is that it will be coincident with the feast of a young martyr of the Eucharist. There is some question here as to whether the pre-Vatican II calendar, or the post-Vatican II calendar (at the time of Vatican II, the previous dates on which feastdays for many Saints were celebrated, were moved to a different date) should be used. In that regard, we should consider what Mike Brumley proposed:
"It seems that if God was going to give the world that information that he would have made it relative to the time in which the information is needed." And this is very logical. The matter is *almost* academic anyways. Just using the other clues we have (the Miracle will be on a Thursday in April between the 8th and 17th of the month), coupled with the belief that it will come by (or in) 2000, enables us to specify the following dates: April 9th or 16th, 1998; April 8th or 15th, 1999; or April 13th, 2000.
Of course, if we knew for certain which of these dates corresponded to the appropriate feastday, we *might* be able to "pinpoint" the date right now. But once the piano coversning comes, we'll know when the Miracle, within 7 days at most, is going to be.
Additionally, it also seems very likely that you will not have to physically be at Garabandal during the Miracle, in order to be cured of any physical ailment one may suffer from. Perhaps being united in spirit will suffice.
But I'm not taking any chances! I'll be at Garabandal! Remember, THIS IS A GUARANTEED CURE (which I, for one, need), whether you are a believer or not!!
Larry Mayka, for one, takes this view as to "pinpointing" dates:
"I would phrase the issue differently: Are the apocalyptic prophecies =absolutely unconditional= (as to the timing, spacing, and ordering), or do they have an element of conditionality, such that God reserves the right to rearrange his plans (to some degree) according to the response of the human race. Put another way, perhaps God did not wish to give us an absolute, unconditional, unambiguous ordering of events--perhaps he preferred to leave an element of mystery--a degree of freedom, as a mathematician would say--for various reasons."The answer here would seem to be that the date of the Miracle *has* definitely been set, but everything else is "flexible".
Larry continued:
"A more radical approach would even rethink some of the many Biblical prophetic interpretations that "didn't come true" or "must have been a mistake." For example, perhaps Jesus was =deliberately= ambiguous as to whether the fall of JerBliplem (which actually occurred around 70 A.D.) would be proximately followed by His Second Coming. In other words, perhaps He meant to "reserve the right" to return "early" if humankind's response to His Gospel proved too meager. This would explain why the Apostles, including especially Paul, seemed =almost sure= that Christ would return within a generation or two."But there is currently a plethora of reported apparitions of the Virgin Mary around the world. She is pleading with, and calling her children - NOT JUST CATHOLICS, BUT ALL OF MANKIND - back to God, as never before in history.
For the last several years, Our Lady has spoken of a special time which She is waiting impatiently for. An extraordinary and particular time of world history unlike any since Adam's time. This past Christmas Day, December 25, 1995, the Virgin Mary revealed that we have entered that time.
St. John Bosco prophesied: "Wickedness is consumed; sin has come to an end and, before there are two full moons in the month of flowers, the rainbow of peace will appear on earth.
St John Bosco lived in Turin Italy where March is and has always been the month of the flowers. In this century, the month of 2 full moons which corresponds to the month of the flowers in message and St. John Bosco's prophecy is March l999.
In March l999 there will be a full moon on the 2nd and again on the 31st. March is the month consecrated to St. Joseph, whose feastday is on the 19th, the full crescent of the new moon.
This could easily correspond to fulfillment of the Miracle *and* to declaration of a new Marian dogma as predicted by Mary at an apparition in Amsterdam 40 years ago. Such a timeframe might include a scenario with the Miracle coming in the spring of 1998, followed by the last Marian dogma on May 31st.
There has been another important message allegedly received through a Marian priest, Father Stefano Gobbi -
There have been many other predictions indicating that we are now living in the end times - these materialistic, worldly, satanic times - the time between the 1st and 2nd Coming of Christ.
The piano coversning will probably be the first event - the event that will signal the beginning of great prodigies to come - the beginning of the end of this era of time (***NOT*** "THE END OF THE WORLD"), after which everyone will be physically and spiritually renewed.
The piano coversning could come very soon. It's safe to say that it is IMMINENT.
Obviously, everyone will know it when this happens. Even if you don't believe it now, please remember that the Miracle will be the following April.
These particular events have been predicted for many years, and there is EVERY reason to believe that the time of fulfillment has arrived.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Subj: 2- Seeking Refuge in Mary
Section: * Speculation *
From: Michael J. Coppi 76726,2533
To: Everyone
Date: 31-Jul-97 23:04I guess the biggest obstacle we tend to encounter when we speak of an Antipope, or the Antichrist, or any type of diabolical infiltration of the Church ("smoke in the Sanctuary") is the Scriptural quote that: "The gates of Hell shall not prevail against it" (Matt. 16:18).
Surely what that passage indicates is that *ULTIMATELY* Satan will NEVER retain any domination over the Church. This is similar to when Our Lady says: *IN THE END* my Immaculate Heart will triumph.
We know there will be tribulations and demonic forces in the world before the Era of Peace, but *ULTIMATELY* Satan will be conquered. And so it may happen in the Church: humanism/liberalism/Freemasonry *may* gain a brief "foothold", but *ULTIMATELY* the true Church will prevail.
And in fact, Mary's messages *do* indicate that the Church (and the Pope) will undergo much suffering. One might say that the Church *parallels* the life of Christ. The Church has followed our Lord's life throughout the centuries.
It is now undergoing persecution, and soon it will be crucified. In Mary's words: "My motherly plan is to assist the Church along the sorrowful way of its crucifixion and martyrdom..."
In a brief "faux victory", Satan will believe the Church is dead. But just as Christ rose on the third day, the remnant Faithful will rise after the 3 Days of Darkness, thus *ULTIMATELY* resurrecting the Church.
The "gates of Hell" will *seemingly* prevail for a brief time, but the Catholic Church, in conjunction with Mary's Immaculate Heart will *ULTIMATELY* be triumphant. Here is another message alluding precisely to this point: "My victory has been foretold over [the forces of evil which are] *APPARENTLY* victorius today." The Virgin Mary goes on to remind us that *her* ultimate & pre-ordained victory "...will be obtained through the triumph of my Immaculate Heart in the world..."
That is why she tells us to PERSEVERE and why we must seek her "shelter" - to endure whatever tribulations may come. "How difficult are the days in which you are living!"...she says...This is the conclusive period of the purification and the great tribulation. Thus it is that all humanity has become possessed by the spirits of evil..."
The solution she gives us is simple: "...I am your heavenly Mother who invites you to all gather together under my immaculate mantle, to be protected and led to Jesus your Savior...I am the refuge of Immaculate Heart will be your refuge and the way that will lead you to God!"
If we are experiencing this period of "purification" and "great tribulation" right now, if there is to be "a new springtime of Christian the Great Jubilee (of the year 2000)", and if things are to get worse under the reign of the Antichrist, then what happened to his 3-1/2 year reign?
We are currently undergoing trials, because there is indeed massive evil present in the world. Mary seemingly refers to these wicked powers, yet also to a specific entity, in messages where she declares opposition to "the great army of the enemies of God under him who opposes himself to Christ, that is, of the Antichrist." As Christians, our sufferings (tribulations) would certainly be intensified while he is in power.
First let's examine just how we go about seeking Mary's "refuge". Is she going to throw down some sort of impermeable tarp for us to hide under? That would hardly be the *spiritual* refuge expected of a Divine Mother.
William O'Mailley reminds us:
"May all of us learn to take to heart as our own, the words spoken by Our Blessed Lady to Lucia at Fatima in 1917 -
"My Immaculate Heart will be your refuge
and the way that will lead you to God"
Pope John Paul II effectively summed up that the ROSARY is our primary link to our mother in heaven:
"The call for repentance is maternal associated, as always, with the call for prayer...Our Lady of Fatima points to the ROSARY, which can justly be defined as 'MARY'S prayer' - the prayer in which she feels particularly united with us...That is why the maternal message [of the Mother who desires every man's salvation]...recommends the ROSARY."
And Pope Leo XIII once said:
"There is nothing more excellent than...lifting up supplications to the Blessed Virgin Mary as [we] meditate on the mysteries of the Holy Rosary...The Rosary is the protection of the Mother of God against the enemies of the Catholic Church...The great Virgin of the Rosary is the most potent help of Christians."
The Brown SCAPULAR is the other badge we wear to show our devotion to, and desire to be protected by Mary. Pope Pius XII commented:
"The SCAPULAR will be for all the sign of our consecration to the Immaculate Heart of Mary."
The Brown Scapular is a Sacramental, and is a sign of salvation, a protection in danger, and a pledge of peace. The Scapular is the promise of Mary's prayer. It is the masterpiece of the love of the Heart of Mary.
Sister Lucia (visionary from Fatima) also urges us to pray the Rosary:
"The Most Holy Virgin, in these last times in which we live, has given a new efficacy to the recitation of the Rosary to such an extent that there is no problem, no matter how difficult it is...that we cannot resolve by the prayer of the Holy Rosary. With the Holy Rosary we will save ourselves. We will console Our Lord and obtain the salvation of many souls."
Regarding the Rosary, St. Dominic put it simply:
"God has left us the ROSARY that we may learn with Mary's help to pray easily, and simply in holy trust".
So devotion to Mary - veneration, confidence and love - especially through the Brown Scapular and the Rosary, is how we mystically seek refuge in Mary's Immaculate Heart. St. Louis de Montfort tells us that such devotion "is a sure means of going to Jesus, because the attribute of the Blessed Virgin is to lead us surely to Christ, just as Jesus Christ's attribute is to lead us surely to the Eternal Father.."
The *easiest* route to Heaven is: Mary ---> Jesus ---> the Father. God gives His Graces through Mary's Immaculate Heart (united with the Sacred Heart of Jesus). And so we can begin to understand the meaning of the Gospa's messages of Medjugorje: "Members of all faiths are equal before God...Salvation is available to everyone, without exception. Only those who refuse God deliberately are condemned."
Seeking Mary's intercession, then, is the safest course of action for those of us who "know" her but she, on the other hand, "knows" all men, and therefore excludes none of them from the love of her Immaculate Heart.
In other words, when we say that Mary is the Mother of all men, it does not necessarily mean that all men believe in her and accept her as Mother, but that she accepts them anyways. That is her great mystery as Mother and as Queen. Jesus Christ is formed in the souls of those devoted to the Immaculate Heart. And, in turn, the Father manifests Himself through Jesus Christ.
It is perhaps most important to note the 3 places of refuge described by Our Lord:
Now to address the "timing of Antichrist question............
*THE* Antichrist may well assume power before the 3rd millenium Specifically, between the piano coversning and the year 2000. If this had occured before July of 1997, a literal 3-1/2 year reign could have been completed before 2001.
But we have to examine the book of Revelation again, and consider that the numbers found there are symbols, not meant to be taken literally or arithmetically.
The number "7" represents wholeness/perfection. 3-1/2 then, is a qualitative value representing disunity/upright piano. If we thus loose ourselves from the "requirement" that 3-1/2 be a *quantitative* number of years, we can couple the chaotic reign of the Antichrist (who, *is* a real entity based on centuries of prophecy) and the perfect reign Christ that will follow, with Mary's messages telling us that the "times [of physical struggles waged between the followers of Christ, and his Adversary] will be shortened."
"666" would likewise be symbolic as a thrice repeated imperfect number, just as "333" represents the Trinity (although there may be a physical counterpart: 3 x 666 = 1998, or "666" inverted = [1]999).
We've always known that prayer (such as the Rosary) is a powerful tool in combatting sinister forces. As a result of Mary's calling us to prayer, it would seem that the reign of Antichrist has been "shortened" (from a qualitative length of time that had always been based on mankind's response to God) to a somewhat shorter (less than 2 year) period.
In other words, seemingly "designated" time intervals are really qualitative ("flexible"), rather than quantitative, based on mankind's free will. In these last times, that amounts to how positively we have responded to all the heavenly messages received since 1830.
Certainly, at least one date *has* been definitely set. At Garabandal in the early 1960's, a precise date for the Miracle *was* given. But overall, God is "managing" the timeframe - preordained events that are to transpire before and after the "set" Miracle may be prolonged or delayed (recall Mary said that the "times will be shortened"). As these events unfold, we can more accurately "speculate", by process of elimination, what will occur next (and approximately when).
Alternately, we also must consider that the "reign of the Antichrist" may not come until prior to the "Last Judgement".
- Mike Coppi,
See also, "Future & Faith"-
Here is the parallel presentation of Maitraya by Benjamin Creme recently: