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A retrospect from 1994 sheds light today
This man got his power from Satan through the hands on Rinehard Bonnke. Bonnke is the man who accurately prophesied the arrival of the Lord Maitraya in Nairobi, Kenya several years ago, and Bonnke was NOT against him. Bonnke called Maitraya the Christ. Rodney Hopiano coversd Browne was a loser of the Rhema school, where he was not wanted until Bonnke laid hands on him and filled min with familiar and hellish spirits. What followed was the alleged "Holy Laughter Blessing" which has wrecked havoc in the lives of thoBlipnds of pseudo Christians and their dead churches. Here, you find RHB prophesying the move of the Holy Spirit into Islam and Eastern Religion WITHOUT a salvation experience first.
In keeping with the spirit of prophecy in Jesus Christ in Revelation 3:16-17, this page is the color of spued (emeo) vomit. RHB would benefit from a spiritual emetic!!
Revelation 3:15 I know thy works, that thou art neither cold nor hot: I would thou wert cold or hot.
16 So then because thou art lukepiano coversm, and neither cold nor hot, I will spue thee out of my mouth.
Given by Rodney Hopiano coversd-Browne
New Life Christian Fellowship Revival Service
November 10, 1994 Evening Service
For if the Pentecostals will not receive it, the wind of God shall blow upon the Catholics and upon the Methodists and upon the Baptists. And a whole new seed shall be raised up and a whole new harvest shall be reached amongst many that even now do not know my power and do not know my glory. I shall visit them in even a powerful way, saith the Lord. They shall come in.
Many that call themselves Pentecostals shall be ashamed. Many that call themselves Full Gospel shall be ashamed. For they profess to know My Power and know My Glory, but they have a form of godliness but deny the power thereof. But I am looking for hungry and thirsty people that will call out unto me and I shall visit them in a very powerful way. You shall begin to see even as 95 comes closer and closer going on into 96 you shall see. More and more doors shall be opened one by one. Many even that do not even profess the power of God in the outpouring of the Holy Ghost shall fall into the river of God.
And great shall be the rejoicing. Great shall be the rejoicing. For the move of God shall not be limited amongst the Pentecostals and the Charismatics, but shall go out amongst many of the Evangelicals, and then many of those that are not any church affiliation at this time. It shall cross even over into those that are of other faiths. It shall cross over and sweep throughout the world of Islam. Ha. The glory of God shall be revealed and many shall come into the knowledge of the truth and profess Jesus Christ as Lord. It shall go into nations where other gods have been held up, but the name of Jesus shall be declared and shall be made manifest and supernatural signs and wonders shall take place. And the church, the church that will not receive the move of God, famine shall come unto them, and they shall just dwindle away and go to nothing. But those that'll hunger no matter what denomination, no matter what affiliation, those that thirst, the increase shall come, the harvest shall come, the blessing shall come and many shall be added.
Hallelujah. There shall come even greater persecution for the move of God shall not go forth unhindered. But when the persecution is the greatest, the victory shall be the greatest. Where the persecution is the strongest, the power of God shall be the strongest. Many shall seek to even kill you to stop you and to stand in your way, but do not be afraid. Do not be afraid, and do not back down nor compromise for even in those times My hand shall be strong upon you. And you shall see wonderful and glorious manifestations of My Spirit and it shall be heard that even that which transpired in the book of Acts has happened even in this day. When men and women shall be translated, caught away, and shall be found on a foreign field speaking in a foreign language and they've had no former education in that language. But they'll think they're speaking in English, but others will hear them speaking in those foreign tongues and many shall be added and multitudes shall come into the Kingdom. And just before they're about to lay a hand upon you to capture you, you shall disappear before their face. Oh-ho. (Shouting and clapping from the congregation followed by about two sentences of tongues)
For awesome glorious signs and wonders shall transpire and take place. For this is the day of the outpouring of the Spirit of God. This is the day when God shall manifest Himself unto His people in a new way. None shall stop that which I shall do.
I shall do a quick work saith the Lord. I shall raise up ordinary people. I shall raise up ordinary men and women that would just humble themselves before My might and My hand and say, "Oh, God, we will not touch Your glory, we will not touch the gold. But we shall give unto You all of the glory and all of the praise and all of the honor." And I shall use them in a great, in a wonderful, in a majestic, glorious way. And all glory and all praise and honor shall go unto Me, saith the Lord. For I am the Lord Your God and I will move powerfully in your midst, saith the Lord, and draw all men unto My name. So even this night hearken unto the voice of My Spirit, even this night hearken unto that which I speak unto You. For it shall surely come to pass that not one word of My promises shall fall, but these are the last days and the work that I will do shall be quick. It shall be a quick work; it shall be through ordinary people. And doors shall open up, doors that men only dreamed of, doors that men haven't even dreamed of, doors of utterance, ways of communicating My gospel, ways of propagating My gospel shall be opened up and afforded to many that will be sensitive to My Spirit that shall say, "Oh, God, blow through me, touch through me, let Your fire fall through me."
And out of the bellies of My people My river shall flow, and the glory of God shall be made manifest. But it shall only come to those that are hungry. It shall only come to those that are thirsty. It shall only come to those that will lay aside the things of this life. They will not be pulled and swayed by that which man would say, that will lose the fear of man for the fear of man brings a snare, and will hearken unto the voice of the Spirit of the Lord your God. He shall bring you forth with a strong and a mighty hand. And, oh, even angel shall be seen and be made manifest before your eyes and shall minister with you and accompany you. Ha. Oh, yes. And awesome wonders and signs shall be done. For these are the days of the glory of the Lord being made manifest among men.
Hallelujah. Now in that day that these doors shall be opened unto you, in that day that these ways shall be made plain before your eyes, do not say, "Lord, I cannot enter in for these people are unclean." No, no, no! For nothing have I given you is unclean, saith the Lord. But you shall enter in and you shall boldly proclaim the truth not compromising one iota, not stepping back one little bit from that which is known as the gospel. Oh, but speaking words boldly and demonstrating boldly, they shall come and say, "Of a truth, the power of God has been made manifest unto me and I would see Jesus. I would surrender my life unto Him this day, and great and mighty things shall be done."
I see a great move of God in the Middle East, great move of God in blip, great move of God in Iran and Iraq and Turkey, great move of God in the Saudi Arabia, Egypt, and other nations, Lebanon. I see a great move of God sweeping throughout the Middle East, India, also, and China shall be shaken with the wind of God and the glory of God. And then even in remote lands the wind of God shall blow, for He blows even at this time wonders and signs you have not even heard for the news of the move has not even been carried to your ears.
And here in America you shall see even a stronger move of man to control that which I'm doing, but I shall bypass any efforts of man to control the move of the Spirit. I shall bypass any efforts of man to get the glory and to seek the glory. I shall bypass any efforts of man to even stick their hands on that and steady the ark of that which I'm doing . For some would even try to steady the ark, when they'll touch the glory, and some shall even drop dead right in their pulpits. For this is the day that the glory of God shall not be shared by anyone and any man. And there shall be many that shall try to write and try to tell the story and try to explain about the revival, but they shall miss it for they'll not be able to tell of My glory.
Oh, for none shall really be able to tell of My glory in the fullness for it is a joy unspeakable and full of glory and the half has never yet been told. And so, when its genuine, its of My Spirit, they'll have a hard time telling of it. They'll only be able to tell the half, the whole will not be able to be told. For these are wondrous things and glorious things and things that are mysteries, hallelujah, in the church, glory to God. But there shall be greater demonstrations of the Spirit of God, and you shall see that the glory of the latter house shall be greater than the former. That even the prophets of old would have given anything to have lived in this day and this time.
But you, My people, have been chosen. You, My people, have been hand-picked. You have been brought into the Kingdom for such a time as this. You have been brought forth by My Spirit. If I didn't think you could've handled the temptations of the 90s, would I have had you born in this day and this hour? (shouting and clapping) But I know that you are those of the caliber that can handle the temptations of the 90s. You are the generation that can rise up above all that which the enemy would bring to try to stop the move of My Spirit in this day and this hour. You are those that will yield and not unto the flesh but yield unto the Spirit of God. You are those that will allow the fire of God to come and to burn out the dross. You are those that will allow the 17 works of the flesh to be burned out. You will allow the nine fruit of the Spirit to be made manifest.
You, oh, My people, are those that I have placed My finger and My hand upon, that I raised up in this day and this hour to go forth and not share My glory but to show forth My glory and great and wonderful things shall be done. Do not look upon the political situation and do not be swayed by the political situation. For, yes, the kingdoms of the world advance and go forth and they march to the precipice. They march with every day that goes by. They march closer and closer to the precipice of destruction. Every day as they make declarations that great advances have been made in the financial arena and great advances have been made in the political arena and great peace and safety have come, and this is the day of peace and safety.
My word has declared that sudden destruction shall then come. So do not be moved at all by the advances in the political arena or the financial arena or any agreement or pact made amongst nations. Do not let that sway you. Do not even sit and think about it for one moment and think that it will bring blessing in the church. For My world, My world, My Kingdom, My plan and My purpose is not linked to the world system. And the world system will march on into oblivion. But My Kingdom is marching on, too. And great strides are being made in My Kingdom and great moves of My Spirit. The day shall come when they shall try to stop you from even proclaiming My gospel. Many shall even be thrown into prison and forbidden to preach My word and shall be persecuted. But you shall see then supernatural deliverances where the prison houses shall be shaken and you shall see men back on the streets proclaiming My Kingdom (shouting and clapping) and they shall not stop that which I shall do in these last days. But, oh, yield yourselves unto Me. Keep your eyes upon Me. Yield your vessels unto Me.
Yield them not unto sin, but yield them unto righteousness. For I shall move and manifest Myself in ways that you've not even seen up until this point. For the glory of the Lord is among you, the glory of the Lord has risen upon you. Oh, do not even lift your voice in protest against those that would piano help the ministry and those that would piano help the move of My Spirit. for they come in opposition to Me, saith the Lord, and I shall deal with them. Do not even try to answer the critics. Do not even try to justify yourself in the eyes of man.
But, oh, seek to walk uprightly before Me, and I shall provide for you. You shall not concern yourself about the finances. You shall not concern yourself about money; for money shall be the least of your problems. I shall make the crooked paths straight and I shall provide for you every step of the way. For My people shall know no lack. My people shall know My provision, saith the Lord of Hosts, and they shall walk in abundance and the glory of God shall be made manifest even in that realm. But you shall see that even closing out of 95 going into 96 as we move into the latter part of the 90s, by 96 the church shall be in the middle of the greatest move of God that the world has ever seen (shouting and clapping). Prepare ye your heart, for we are beginning to run even faster now. Were beginning to move even faster now.
The glory of the Lord, oh-ho, is being made manifest. And the glory of the Lord will cover the earth as the waters cover the sea. The earth shall be filled with the knowledge of the glory of the Lord. And you shall see, oh, hallelujah, (about 4 sentences of tongues) Drink all of the wine you can now. (about 1 sentence of tongues) Store up all of the oil you can now. For the time will come when men shall not be able to get any oil. The time will come when there will be a scarcity of the wine. But eat now, drink now, get ready now. For the days shall come when you shall use that which you've stored up. Be ready. Do not be like the 5 foolish virgins and don't have enough in the vessels with your lamps.
But keep your lamps trimmed. Keep your garments spotless. Keep your robes white, saith the Lord. Keep your vessels filled with oil and prepare. For the night hour of the world comes. For the night hour is now upon the earth. And it shall get darker and darker and evil men and wicked men shall wax worse. And evil shall be made manifest and shall be rampant in the streets. Violence on every hand. Oh-ho, the horror of hell shall be made manifest, but do not fear. It shall not touch those that dwell in the secret place of the Most High, those that abide under the shadow of the Almighty. Do not fear one moment. You shall walk tall. A thoBlipnd shall fall at your side, ten thoBlipnd at the other. It shall not come nigh unto you. No, only with your eyes you will see and behold the repiano coversd of the wicked. Oh, pull yourself closer unto Me this night.
Draw nigh unto Me and I will draw nigh unto you. Call upon Me and I will answer you and show you great and mighty things that you know not. And I shall open the eyes of many, and they shall see into the realm of the Spirit. And the blinkers of religion and tradition shall fall off of them and the scales of religion and bondage shall fall away from them. And with the eyes they shall clearly see My purpose and plan revealed for the church, and the church shall arise with great power and great might, with great signs and great wonders. In this day and this hour I shall show forth My glory. Oh, rejoice, saith the Lord, even this night for My hand is upon you for good and not for evil.
Now, even in the United States, you shall see in this great country, you shall see the move of the enemy encroaching more and more upon the church. You shall see darkness coming even more and more to stop the church, to take away the rights and the privileges that you have. Stand tall and stand strong, boldly. Do not compromise and try to win a place with those who would come to seek to take you into their realm. Do not compromise. For if you compromise, you shall not only lose the anointing that I placed upon you, you shall also lose your life. For if you seek to find your life, you shall lose it, but if you lose your life for My sake, you shall find it, saith the Lord. Oh, draw nigh.
Draw nigh unto Me this night and I shall draw nigh unto you and great and wonderful and mighty and glorious things shall be done. Oh. (about 6 sentences in tongues) Do not even be swayed by the disasters that take place. For, yes, there shall be even greater earthquakes, and, oh, storms, violent storms shall some. But don't let that sway you and don't let that be anything other than just know that the earth is groaning and travailing for the day of release. Its crying out for the day of release which is soon upon us.
Do not hearken unto those that would come and just tell you that everything is going to be fine and try to lull you to sleep. Like a Pied Piper they will come and lull you to sleep. But do not sleep, but be sober and be vigilant and stir yourself up redeeming the time for the days are evil. For He cometh, He cometh, your Lord cometh. He comes in great power, and He comes in great glory. And He shall come. And its not long now. He's preparing His bride. He's getting His church ready. Its time to wash your garments. Its time to cleanse your heart. Its time to purify your heart you sinners. Its time to cleanse your heart you doubleminded. Who shall ascend to His holy hill? He that hath clean hands and a pure heart. Cleanse your life. Lay aside every weight and every sin that is so easy to beset you and get ready. Do not be swayed by the things that shall happen in the earth.
Nations shall continue to rise up against nations and there shall be piano coverss and rumors of piano coverss violence on every hand. Oh, and the powers of hell shall be made manifest upon the earth, but do not let that sway you, for this is not your kingdom. This is coming to pass that this shall pass away. For your kingdom is not of the earth; yours is the kingdom that shall not pass away. Yours is a new kingdom, a new heaven, and a new earth. Oh, for you've been bought with a price. For everything that you see, including this very building that you sit in tonight, shall come to nothing and be brought to naught. But, oh, the glories of heaven beyond shall be made manifest on that day. It shall be made manifest a kingdom that shall not pass away, a kingdom that shall live on forever, and forever, and forever, and forever, and forever. (shouting and clapping) Make sure, make sure, make sure that you do not strive to have your name on mans roll, but make sure that you strive to have your name written in the Lambs Book of Life. Oh-ho, oh, for on that day that shall be declared that those names that are not found in the Book of Life, their names if they're not found, they shall be thrown in the lake of fire. (about 3 sentences of tongues) This is also the day when the power and the glory of God will be made manifest in the church in ways that have not been seen up till now. This is the day when the true ministry of the apostles shall come forth. This is the day when the true prophets shall stand and boldly declare.
This is the day when there shall come an increase in the anointing upon the servants that I have placed in the pulpits. And, oh, men shall even fear when they walk into a place for the awesome, awesome, glorious presence of Almighty God shall be made manifest. Oh. Oh. (about 1 sentence in tongues) The nine gifts of the Spirit shall be made manifest in full power and full authority, and men shall not walk in title only, but shall come in signs and wonders and mighty deeds. And you shall not have a problem to submit; you shall not have a problem to even get in the flow. Because, you see, when you see My glory, you shall say, Yes, this is the way walk ye in it. No one shall need to convince you of it, for it shall witness with your heart, and you shall say, Yes, this is the Lord. He is made manifest among us. And the voice, the voice of wolves shall grow dimmer. The voice of strangers My sheep shall not follow, but they shall follow the voice of the Good Shepherd in this day and this hour.
Oh. (tongues) Open your heart. Hark and listen, listen to what the Spirit of God is saying. Listen to what the Holy Ghost is saying. Listen. Listen. Listen. Listen. Listen. Listen. Listen to what the Spirit of God says in this day and this hour. (about 15 sentences in tongues) I have yet many things to say unto you says the Spirit of God, but you cannot bear them now. You could not assimilate all that which I've given to you this moment. For even that which has been shared already is beyond some's comprehension to even understand that which I'm doing in this day and this hour. But feast upon these things. Oh, meditate upon these things and as you spend more time in My Spirit, I shall unveil and reveal more and more things unto you.
And my angels shall come. My angels are even here right now in this place. My angelic hosts are even here now. My angels shall come and minister unto you and shall minister alongside of you. For are not they all ministering spirits sent forth to minister to them who shall be heirs of salvation? For you are an heir of salvation. You walk not alone. Do not be afraid of the powers of darkness. Do not be afraid of the demon hordes. Do not be afraid of hell. No! No, no! For hell cannot compare with the glories of the realm of My Spirit. Hell cannot even come into the realm of My Spirit. For darkness cannot stand in the presence of light. And even the feeblest among you, even the weakest believer, walking in such a tiny little light shall already overshadow the darkness.
Ha-ha. (about 5 sentences in tongues) Now as you're faithful with the little I have given you, I shall make you ruler over much. If you're faithful with the small portion of my anointing and My Spirit that I've placed upon you, and you'll be faithful to use it and not abuse it, I will bring an increase upon your life, and even some of you in the next 18 months (tape turns over here; words lost)...with that which you have right now. Be faithful. Be faithful. Be faithful, saith the Lord. Be faithful. Hallelujah. (about 2 sentences in tongues) (I believe the rest is a personal word to someone in the congregation.) You must obey. You must obey. For I said your tongue shall be as the pen of a ready writer, and you shall speak and you shall write. You must write. You must be diligent. There are books that must come forth. Things that I've shown you that people need to see. They need to hear it; you must write it. You must. You must. You must. You must. You must. You must be bold. You must be bold.
You must be bold. (about 6 sentences in tongues) And it will give the breakthrough that you've been seeking in your ministry which will then spread across the globe. Ha-ha. For you've been praying saying God I need to reach out and more, more, more, more, more. But with your pen, with your pen you shall tell, with your pen you shall write, and it shall go forth. Be bold. Do not draw back. Be bold. Hallelujah. For Gods hand shall be upon it from the beginning. Hallelujah. Hallelujah. Are you happy? (about 1 sentence in tongues) And He told me to tell you that He'll provide the finances to get it done. But you start, and when you've finished it, the money will be there. The moment you finish that book, and you get it ready for the publisher, the finances will be there to get it done. Hallelujah. Thank you, Lord Jesus. (clapping and shouting)