A Ministry of The
Van Nattan Family
Balaam's Ass Speaks Journal
And many under-shepherds
Around the world
a few of the Links on this page function online.
They are only useful on the CD.
1 Corinthians 15:58 Therefore, my beloved brethren, be ye stedfast,
unmoveable, always abounding in the work of the Lord,
forasmuch as ye know that your labour is not in vain in the Lord.
Recently, we had to drop most of the online journal, Balaam's Ass Speaks. It became too much for Steve along with his vocation to support his family. Also, the adversaries became very evil, and there is a time to stand and fight, and there is a time to go over the wall in a basket, as Paul did. But, after removing most of the journal, Steve came to see that the Lord had given him a real group of godly friends around the world. He decided that he should not lightly walk away from these folks.
The ones most dear are you who acted upon the biblical principles Steve taught-- you left the worldly churches you were in and started House Churches. Thus, we at the Van Nattan home are still here for you in whatever way we are needed in Christ. It is a smaller circle now, but as we all move on into our older years, we must concentrate on the pure gold of this life, the Body of Christ. No treasure in the field of life is of greater worth to the divine Sower, and we follow His lead.
If you are in a site based fellowship rather than in a home, you are welcome, but we don't care to hear from anyone who thinks the home is a defective place for the local church. Paul found no need to build Stone Piles, and the suffering church had no site houses for exclusive church meeting for 1700 years. The Reformed churches of Calvin and Luther at once built stone piles, and look at their dark and evil religion today. We tremble as we hear Fundamental Baptists and Bible believing Pentecostals boast of their 3000 member churches, their bus routes, and their programs, for this is the Whore's way from long ago.
So, come on in and join the fellowship and see how we may all be blessed as we walk together and agree in the Word of God.
Amos 3:3 Can two walk together, except they be agreed?
Your title will not be used here unless it is a Bible based title such as Pastor, Bishop, Overseer, Deacon, Brother, Sister, Servant and so forth. We are particularly blessed to have the fellowship of base, ignorant, and weak saints. The titles of Doctor and Reverend are offensive. USE your learning to serve, not to exalt yourself.
2 Corinthians 10:1 Now I Paul myself beseech you by the meekness and gentleness of Christ, who in presence am base among you, but being absent am bold topiano coversd you:
Let us be bold to exalt Christ, and slow to exalt self.
* * * * *600+ Mgb CD Resource:
Should you be ordering a CD?If you bought the CD, you can browse here if you like long site trees-- Very useful.
All links are ACTIVE!
* * * * *
You must be Born Again and use only the King James Bible. Our doctrine is Baptistic,
but we have no affiliation to anything but the Body of Christ.
We have no interest in "sign gifts" and Charismatic frenzy.There is both a local and universal nature to the Lord's Church, Baptist Jackboots notwithstanding.
We believe there is a place on the narrow way for fellowship beyond the local church.Those who join will be listed in the Directory of House Churches.
With your order of the CD, please send your location, address, directions, and doctrinal statement.
Be honest, for anyone using us, while hiding doctrinal positions, will be dropped at once.See What We Believe
We are not ashamed to tell you that we use the King James Bible Only.
What is your responsibility to us? One Bible verse tells all:
1 Timothy 5:17 Let the elders that rule well be counted worthy of double honour,
especially they who labour in the word and doctrine.We will be able to help as much as you help financially by helping Steve decrease his present vocation and move over to this ministry. We also would expect you to be available to help others who are starting House Churches around the world with your energy and finances.
NOTICE: There is no way to participate without purchasing the CD.
Very few of the links here work online.
We are not trying to get a zillion hits.
We insist you make the investment in the CD if you are serious.The CD we offer is aimed at the House Church and small site based local churches. The CD is not for amusement, and so some of the former rodeo is gone :-) So, the CD includes all manner of helps for you House Church folks, plus many of the past articles from the Journal online, which is now largely gone as you once knew it. Past Journal content which is on the CD is particularly useful in dealing with cults and issues of church life. Bible study and printable sermon outlines, as well as Audio Sermons, are also included.
There are about 20 RA sermons and plenty of music.
This brings the CD to over 500 Mgb.
Again, any saint who is not enthralled by monster church programs--
who loves the day of small things--
will benefit from this fellowship and the CD.Price: $18 plus $1.50 = $19.50
Please call (865) 717-0962 and order with a VISA or MasterCard credit card.
Mail orders are welcome to the address below.
Personal checks accepted.CONTACT US
By E-Mail at: steve@balaams-ass.com
By Fax at: (865) 717-0962 Call and speak to us telling us a fax will follow.
By Phone: (865) 717-0962
International Friends CALL: 01-865-717-0962
By Mail at: Steve Van Nattan,
PO Box 39,
Kingston, TN 37763In Person:
Call ahead, and we will help arrange a motel room for you.
If we bore you, Eastern Tennessee will NOT bore you.
Only Arabica Coffee [ Baptist Holy Water ] is used here :-)