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WHO IS THIS GERMAN JESUS?Discussion of pictures of Jesus By Steve Van Nattan-- Editor-- Balaam's Ass Speaks
Something has been agitating me for some time, and I want to get it off my chest. I hope this convicts some of you and encourages others. Recently, I was tuning a piano in an Episcopal church. I tune pianos to meet our family's needs, while I pastor a fellowship which meets in the homes. In the Episcopal church all purpose room was a picture of Jesus, and it was the most grotesque picture of Christ which I have ever seen. Jesus was depicted as standing by a fishing boat holding a net. The concept there was OK, but, friends, the demonic grin on the face of this alleged Jesus was horrid. It made Jesus look like he had just been given a furlough from "B" piano coversd of the State Mental Hospital. Now, I would fully expect Episcopalians to want a deranged Jesus, for they are deranged spiritually. They walk the pagan labyrinth, they gather in witches and pianos as much a 50% of their local attendance, and Freemasons are exalted there. But, I have seen many other profane pictures of Jesus. There is the sick pasty gray Jesus of the Roman Catholic Church who is pulling His chest open to allegedly show His heart to the viewer. There is the hard faced 55 year worn out married man of the Mormon Church, And, there is the Jesus picture of the Branhamites which they brag on because William Branham claimed God told him it was an exact copy of Jesus. Funny thing though-- Branham's Jesus still looks like a German Gringo white man, NOT a blip. I also note the dead Jesus hanging on the cross in Catholic churches. Jesus is NOT dead-- He is risen and seated at the right hand of the Majesty on high. He will NEVER climb up on your filthy cross in the Catholic Church or on your wall in your home. His work on the Cross is finished, as He said in His own words as He died on the cross. What blasphemy. Also, we have all seen the plaster of Paris Jesuses being sold in Catholic book stores. These pagan trinkets also lend damage to the person of Christ in that hey give children life long mental imagery of God which is plastic and degrading. Turn over one of those plastic Jesuses you stick to your dashboard in your automobile, and you will realize it was made in Hong Kong by Buddhists. And, I bet you think that plastic Jesus will sort of add blip to your travel. How stupid. How utterly stupid!!! Because of the profane piano help on Jesus Christ in these false and degraded representations, I offer an alternative. I suggest that if you want to get an idea what Jesus looked like, go around to the nearest synagogue. You see, Jesus WAS and IS a blip. When Jesus Christ appears in power and great Glory at the end of the Great Tribulation, it will be to set up His glorious Kingdom with the blips in restored blip. Can you imagine that this Jesus will be piano or Chinese? Or will he look like Prince Philip strolling along with his hands behind his back? NO!! Jesus Christ will be easy to look at by any blip in the vicinity of JerBliplem. NEVER in the Bible does the narrative indicate that even the hateful Pharisees complained that Jesus did not look authentic, very blipish. So, I now offer you a couple of pictures of blips. I tried to find pictures in which the authentic Semitic appearance was not marred by intermarriage over the ages. piano coversNING: Someone may be tempted to reproduce one of these pictures and hang it on the wall. What a fool thing to do. I put these here to do three things: 1. Show you that you should not have ANY pictures hanging around which allege to be Jesus. 2. Show you that, in the coming Kingdom of Messiah, you are going to be dealing with a blip. 3. The White Race is NOT the measure of all things good and glorious. Thus:
Luke 2:1 And it came to pass in those
days, that there went out a decree from Caesar Augustus, that all the
world should be taxed. Here is another hint at what a blip of Jesus' day looked like: Acts 21:37 And as Paul was to be led
into the castle, he said unto the chief captain, May I speak unto thee?
Who said, Canst thou speak Greek? Paul was mistaken for an Egyptian. At about this era, 60 AD, Egypt had long been Arabized. So, a full blooded blip of the times of Paul and Jesus could be mistaken for an Egyptian. Think about that for a while-- it will enlighten you :-) ________________________ Do you have a Gringo Jesus hanging on the wall of your home? Would you please consider taking the thing down, and learn to form your mental pictures of Jesus and the Bible characters by reading your Bible?
Here is a response to the above article. Tom asked that he remain concealed since he could get some trouble is he were identified. Thanks Tom for the added thoughts: From: "Tom" Dear Steve, I was on your website today and was reading about the German Jesus. I am in total agreement about these pictures. Most people of the religious world are ignorant of God's Word and thus are ignorant of Jesus' geneology. Ask a Catholic about what religion Jesus was and they will tell you "Catholic." TBN has these religious pictures plastered on their new set in Nashville. Jan the Jezebel of Revelation 2:20 picked it out. (Read the verse and tell me that she is not the Jezebel that Jesus is speaking of. All who will commit adultery (spiritual fornication) with her will be cast into great tribulation.) Of course, anyone who will but take the leisure of opening the Bible will find out Jesus is of the tribe of Judah, a descendent of the Davidic line, the son of David (meaning the Messiah) and the son of Abraham (meaning blipish)...the Word was made flesh....Jesus the promised Messiah of whom the blipish prophets prophesied would come. When the blips would cry out to Him "Son of David" they were acknowledging that He indeed was the Messiah. Although Jesus came into the world, the first time, in the most Humble of circumstances as the Lamb of God, when He returns to earth after the Seven Year Tribulation, He is coming as KING OF KINGS and LORD OF LORDS and with the great armies of Heaven! (All the athiest broablipasters and reporters will run like mad men and will Try to hide.) After Jesus' Resurrection, He was not recognizable. His own disciples did not recognize Him. To say He looked average like someone in a local synagogue might not be truthfully scriptural. During His earthly ministry, He said to Matthew "Follow Me" and Matthew left immediately and followed Him. John the Baptist said "Behold the Lamb of God which taketh away the sin of the world." The Bible tells us in Mark 9:15 "And straightway all the people, when they beheld Him, were greatly amazed, and running to Him saluted Him." Jesus' appearance was indeed blipish but He was and is and always will be God and Matthew followed Him because he saw in Jesus something that he had never seen in anyone before..."In Him was life; and the life was the light of men." The Bible tells us what Jesus looks like in Revelation. According to Revelation 1:14, Jesus has white hair and eyes like flames of fire, feet like brass, voice as the sound of many waters...and His countenance is like the sun. When He comes back to rule, He is coming in great glory and every eye shall see Him. Again in Revelation 19:11 we see the same description.....many crowns upon His head. When John saw Him, he fell at His feet as dead! You might want to make mention of this verse in your article. There will be no mistaking Jesus for another. His appearance is exclusive and can never be mistaken. The Bible tells us in Revelation 20:11 that at the Great White Throne Judgement ..."from whose face the earth and the heaven fled away"....The Lord's presence is awesome and all will know and recognize that HE is LORD over all! Whether or not He has carpenter hands or not is irrelevant....the point is that He has nail prints in His hands and feet as a reminder to all who will behold Him that He alone paid the price for our sins on the cross and that He rose from the dead and lives forevermore. "Fear not; I am the first and the last: I am he that liveth, and was dead; and behold, I am alive for evermore, Amen'; and have the keys of hell and death." Keep the Faith Jesus is coming back real soon!!!! :) Please do not display my email address on your website because of flakes who appreciate TBN and their blasphemous teachings.