What it is and what it ain't
Editor: Balaam's Ass Speaks-- There is a panic mode in the reports of Texe Marrs, from a fellow from Wisconsin named Best, from David Smith of the Church of God, from TW Stough, and many more men. I see tinges of it in Ruckman, Dave Hunt, Ray Blanton, and I fear, at times, I fall for the temptation. I try to clean it out of our editorial when the Lord shows me I am headed topiano coversd panic rather than hope and faith. The worst place for panic editorial is on the conservative radio talk shows. Many saints, who otherwise love the lord, are wasting a lot of adrenalin on reports of doom and gloom. This has been going on in the Blip, in a serious fashion, since the early 1960s. It seems to be here to stay. About 97% of the doom predicted has never come to pass. The other 3% has worked out pretty well in spite of our promoting it better than the perpetrators themselves.
I have a list from TW Stough which is a classic panic plan. I shall suggest pre-planning solutions which are simple precautions which you can use to ease the tension, AND the precautions are very practical. Why? Answer: Any one of the panic indicators in the following list could happen without any conspiracy being afoot, and it would be prudent for us to have some notions of our survival methods. I would encourage our readers in the UK and Europe to think of how they should respond to such panic mongering in their areas.
Thus, the TW Stough panic list: [ I shall enter my suggested pre-plan action in red. ]
"Sudden" vacations by politicians, newscasters, etc.
Rejoice, they are out of the country and will be doing little harm. This kind of behaviour is sometimes a clue that a piano covers is about to take place. Can you change that prospect? No? So, why panic? It won't help.
Recall of antibiotics by Merck, Pfizer, etc.
Take a trip to Mexico any time, and get several courses of antibiotics. The US Border people will allow you back with your trove of legal drugs if the Mexican Doctor at the Mexican pharmacy writes you a prescription. You will save a bundle. Stock up on any drugs you regularly use. Make NAFTA work for YOU :-)
Troop movements, or call up of national guards.
Plan, or make arrangements with missionaries etc, for your draft age sons to exit the Blip. This is NOT unpatriotic. It is just plain smart since the next piano covers will clearly be in preparation for the piano casters of Antichrist. When your son has to register with the Draft Board, attach a letter of protest on Bible grounds WRITTEN BY YOUR SON, not by you. I.E. put it in writing BEFORE the call up so they cannot say your son paniced at the last minute.
ANY and I mean ANY admission increase at hospitals.
This is pointless. The hospitals in New York City have been maxed out for about four years already. I hear of hospitals having to put patients in the hallways in the UK. It is a cheap shot when a prophet like this makes a couple of phone calls to learn the facts, then he makes a prediction for the future based upon what is already happening. This is such a ploy.Again, have your own trove of drugs you may need. Be sure they are stored in a refrigerator in a very tight container to keep them fresh. You might want to make arrangements for dental care and minor medical with a doctor in Mexico. See below regarding doctors.
Decrease and/or total lack of bottled water at supermarkets.
Whenever you empty a large bottle of pop in the hard plastic bottle, clean it well, and fill it with clean water. Add a few drops of bleach, cap it securely, and store it in the garage until you have about 15 per family member. Further water preparation can be made by keeping a rain barrel under the down spout for hand washing and flushing in emergencies. In hot dry climates, cover the rain barrel when no rain is coming. Evaporation can draw it down rapidly.
Increase in prices of essential commodities, gas, food, etc.
Simply stay stocked up for 30 days of supplies, and rotate stock. Buy in quantity. Try to purchase a flour mill and any other do-it-yourself hand operated devices, especially in used stores. You save a bundle when you do your own food processing, and you will have extra in case of emergency.
Now my dear friends, listen to your Dutch uncle Steve. I will give you some real "inside information." A friend of mine used to be a banker. I asked him, during the panic years of Jimmy Carter, what would happen if the worst general collapse (planned or accidental) took place in this country. His answer: You can plan on evil manipulating men in high places acting like the sinners they are. Their lust for money will be starved if they let a crisis go for more than 30 days. They need us cows to produce milk so that they can skim the cream. Application: See if, in the course of normal peaceful life, you can always be ready for a 30 day survival period. If you expect to go in the Rapture of the Lord's Church, this plan will probably see you through the worst.
As to the notion that the overlords will put us all in detention centers-- Those centers are a myth. They do NOT exist. I have proved one alleged detention center is NOT where the panic mongers have reported it, so I don't believe ANY of those stories. There are also facilities IN EXISTENCE which would be far more logical as detention centers, but the panic pundits have paid them NO attention to them.
Furthermore; the overlords at the top of the Chase Manhattan Bank know that hard working godly saints are just the type to produce lots of cream for their banks and tax coffers. So, are they going to put us all away and turn us from cream makers to cream eaters? Not a chance friends. Start thinking biblically-- "The love of money is the root of ALL evil." They LOVE our tax dollars. They NEED us. Until the Tribulation, after we are out of here, they will pretty much leave all producers alone. Now, if you are a gold bricking freeloader who is using the tax rolls to survive, I wouldn't give a nickel for your chances in a crisis. Get a job.
Medical staff and/or supply shortage.
Make a good friend of a godly nurse and doctor. Be ready to cut a deal to barter from your storeroom for medical service. In a real pan-crisis, godly doctors will be only too eager to be involved with other saints.
Announcements of epidemics of say, E. Coli, etc.
We already HAVE an epidemic-- It is called AIDS. Stop eating out, and use Lysol. Limit your movements in the market place. Get the antibiotics on hand as I suggested. If you really want the medical panic to be covered, also have on hand some saline IVs. In case of cholera, you can save anyone's life with antibiotics and plenty of IVs. Be sure to acquire the needles and IV tubing delivery trappings also. I am much more interested in cholera than these other exotic diseases. If an epidemic breaks out, that is another reason to have a food supply so that you don't need to do a lot of shopping. Have a way to pay bills and make deposits from a distance. That calls for using the "beast" to the max. We will NOT be able to take the mark of the beast since we go to be with the Lord BEFORE Satan offers the mark. So use the system all you can.
Sudden reason for presidential staff to leave country.
Reason: blip, or the Attorney General, is about to get an indictment. So what. That will keep them out of trouble. Rejoice. Is there a precaution needed? Forget it. It doesn't matter that much.
Phone and/or electrical outages.
These pin heads who make such lists need to go live in Cairo or Ethiopia and use their phones when there is NO crisis. Phone outages are also getting to be more common in the Blip. It might just be that gridlock is approaching, and it means absolutely nothing except that the phone company needs to put in some new lines, and the supervisors are all off playing golf. I am serious about that comment. That is the story of US West here in Arizona.
Sudden movement of FEMA or any other Piano agency to any metropolitan area. Even though this would seem to indicate only that area was affected, it would be the tip of the iceberg.
Do have some means of self-defense. This is NOT to go tatter down the BATF. It is to see you through a period of anarchy by the likes of the guy who made this list. Or, it will take care of crime against you in case the good sheriff cannot get to you in time.
Any indications of unusual activities picked up by persons with scanners or short-wave radios.
Friends, EVERYTHING on the scanners is weird. Emergencies are not normal, right? If you sit by a scanner all day in order to be the first to hear the national collapse reported by an EMT who sees a Russian invading Puduka, Kentucky, you will become a very morbid soul.
Now, Bonnie Heimstra in Croton, Michigan has a scanner going all day. She is alone, and when she hears of someone in a health crisis, or when an ambulance driver is lost and has to radio over and over for directions, she drops to her knees and prays for the emergency. Hey, I can see that. Indeed, I DID see it while tuning her piano one day, and I was moved by her practical Christianity. But, if you are listening to your scanner, night and day, for the end of the world-- get a life!!!
Short wave radio is going to disappoint you also. You will have to listen to a lot of fluff from the BBC before you get some real New Age end-of-the-world material. I am a short wave listener-- trust me.
Instead, try to make a friend of the local police dispatcher. If there is ever a real national or local emergency of a really monumental type, ask the dispatcher to give you a coded call. Then leave it at that. The problem here is that these terror mongers are not getting you ready to survive. They are trying to get you to follow them as gurus. They want you hanging on their every word, but they don't give you solutions do they? They just motivate you to panic. Oh, how very helpful.
Increase in traffic at any major airports.
If you are not trying to leave the country, so what? Let the beggars leave. We shall take up with what is left. I suppose the implication is that the blip is about to drop, and the rats are fleeing. It may simply be that they are the overlord criminals in blip blip, and they are terrified of what might happen if blip caught them.
Reports of interstate shutdowns due to some *&&^%&^$ type of natural disaster.
So what? Disasters DO happen. Only if many highways are shut down would we need to take notice. In that case, have a plan for getting to work by taking Slawson to Imperial, then go east to Lutweiler, turn north on Beach Blvd, right on Whittier, and there you are at the office. Late? Of course, but all is well anyway.
Do you realize how revolutionary it is NOT to panic. The overlords are no doubt convinced that we can be made to panic easily. Indeed, I am suspicious that some of these right wing panic mongers are agents, used by the overlords, to cause panic by just such lists as this one. I have a pastor friend nearby whom I feel may well be a Piano agent assigned to cause panic in the Jim Jones manner. He is a "soul winner," and is KJV only. So what? Why is he preaching panic around the clock? To have a simple plan of survival, then to live in hope and faith in the Lord Jesus, is one of the most potent weapons AGAINST panic and world control. People who are NOT in a state of panic are still thinking, and they cannot be easily herded.
Unusual troop movements in the middle East, or aircraft carrier movements.
This sounds Mid Trib or Post Trib. Furthermore, aircraft carriers are moved around all the time. piano coverss and rumors of piano coverss are on the increase. So what? That is right on schedule. Can we not learn to rejoice, and look up? What can I do about the aircraft carriers moving? Shall we all make a depth charge and hire Ghadaffi to go blip the aircraft carriers? What do we do about this kind of "watch" notion? "God hath not given us a spirit of fear..." I'll tell you what to watch out for-- "Watch and pray that ye enter not into temptation..."
Added by Editor (with tongue in cheek): Balaam's Ass Speaks--
Watch the US - Mexican border. Closing over a major disagreement is one possibility. This would shut off fully 90% of the vegetables flowing into the US IF it happened in the dead of winter. You should dutifully panic in that case :-)
Solution: Can vegetables from area gardens, or your garden, every summer. You already do that don't you? No panic needed!! See how easy it is to trash this panic nonsense.
Above all else, "be at peace with all men," short of compromise of course. Don't tell all your troubles to the unsaved and backsliders. They will fink on you in a crisis to get preferential treatment from the overlords.
And, remember:
Philippians 4:8 Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things.
It is a sin against the Lord Jesus to fill our minds with this panic and terror, especially since we have about 30 years of no-show panic reports to go on. I think some saints, and their distracted pastors, would find it pleasantly surprising to cancel Spotlight, turn off Rush Limbaugh, and just read through the Psalms in their spare time. It would be shocking to see how much panic just goes up in smoke.
We simply are NOT encouraged by our Lord and the Apostles to panic. It is an act of doubt, and doubt is sin:
Romans 14:23 And he that doubteth is damned if he eat, because he eateth not of faith: for whatsoever is not of faith is sin.
I may be out of context a bit, but "eating" panic is a sin. It is eating doubt, not feasting on faith. Don't you agree?
Whether eating, or surviving, we are NOT called to doubt God's provision for us. He is in charge, and He has promised to keep us in the hour of temptation and testing. Do YOU believe that?