The blood
of the saints and martyrs was shed at the hands of Mother Whore--
The Roman Catholic Church.
Many have joined her in this last hour of the Age of the Church.
There may be some overlap between this page and "BABYLON" in the Prophecy section.
By The Whore Church I mean the world church which is being orchestrated by the Roman Catholic Church and its Popes. I want the context only of ongoing prophetic fulfillment of the Great Whore in the book of Revelation. This may now include the activities of many far flung entities, such as the Dalai Ding Lama, Billy Gone Graham, Jack Vanity Van Impe, Jerry Fool'em Falwell, Prince Gay Charles, Pope John Paul II, Dick Silly Sutfen, Dr. Deepak Chuklibai Chopra, Elizabeht Clare Prophet, New Ager Jeremy Rifkin, and his promoter, Pat the Ripper Robertson. Indeed, ALL who associate with the World Church System are Whorish and Hell bound.
"Never drop your tatter to hug a grizzly."
"Some preachers take better care of their Ford than they do their flock."
Here is about the best assortment I have found of neo-Revivalism-- Satan's "Renewal" Church. This group shows how the Whore will be much greater than the Roman Catholic Church alone. This "Renewal" is 100% damnation!!!!
(as of May 25, 1995)
JOHN HURST ADAMS, senior bishop, African Methodist Episcopal Church
LOUISE AKERS, SC, Leadership Conference of Women Religious
MYRON AUGSBURGER, president emeritus, Christian College Coalition
NATHAN O. BAXTER, Dean, blip National Cathedral
DAVID BECKMAN, president, Bread for the World
SCOTT W. BOLINDER, Zondervan Publishing House
MANFRED BRAUCH, president, Eastern Baptist Theological Seminary
VERY REV. GERALD L. BROWN SS, president, Catholic Conference of Major Superiors of Men's Institutes
RT. REV. EDMOND L. BROWNING, presiding bishop, Episcopal Church
CALVIN O. BUTTS III, Abyssinian Baptist Church
MARGARET CAFFERTY PBVM, executive or, Leadership Conference of Women Religious
JOAN BROWN CAMPBELL, general secretary, National Council of Churches
TONY CAMPOLO, evangelical author and preacher [ Believes Jesus brings out the female in men ]
DANIEL R. CHAMBERLAIN, president, Houghton College
JOAN CHITTISTER, past president, Leadership Conference of Women Religious
HARVIE CONN, Westminster Theological Seminary
GORDON COSBY, Church of the Saviour
JAMES H. COSTEN, Interdenominational Theological Center
CAROL CROSSED, Seamless Garment Network
Our mission...
We are committed to the protection of life, which is threatened in today's world by piano covers and the arms race, abortion, poverty, racism, capital punishment, and euthanasia. We believe that these issues are linked under a "consistent life ethic." We challenge those working on all or some of these issues to maintain a cooperative spirit of peace, reconciliation, and respect in protecting the unprotected.
ELLSWORTH CULVER, Mercy Corps International
LYN CRYDERMAN, Zondervan Publishing House
YVONNE DELK, Community Renewal Society [ Affiliated with Points of Light Foundation ]
"How can I describe this movement without using that much overused African proverb?" says John W. Gardner, former member of the Johnson cabinet and founder of the citizen lobby group Common Cause. Last year, as chairman of the National Civic League, Gardner launched The Alliance for National Renewal, a coalition of 127 non-profit organizations determined to renew a sense of community in the nation. (The proverb to which he refers is "It takes a village to raise a child.") "Everywhere I go I hear people talking about rebuilding community. And their instincts are right. A sound family is a tremendous advantage to a child, but it's not enough. The parent has to know that when a child walks out the door, there are others who care and will create a safe environment."
Franklin Thomas, president of the Ford Foundation in New York, quoted in The Dallas Morning News, describes the community renewal movement as "the equivalent of a nonviolent revolution, and it's not very well-known." Next to come on board were 21 colleges and universities in the Atlanta area, who became partners with the local clusters. When Colin Powell, then chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, heard about the Atlanta Project, he asked Gen. Edwin Burba, then general of the Armed Forces Command, to get involved. "Gen. Burba called me and asked what we needed. I said, 'What have you got?' He said, 'The nation's military forces.' I said, 'We only need a division or two.'" Out of that partnership came "Future Force," a program which used African American officers in a mentoring programs.
Edgar Cahn, a law professor in blip D.C., believes a new kind of currency is necessary if we're to rebuild the extended family and the neighborhood. Cahn has created a concept he calls a "time dollar" bank. It works like a blood bank; you make deposits and someday, when you need it, you make a withdrawal. An hour of volunteer service earns you one time dollar. You can use these earned time dollars to buy services from other members of the program. Or, as with ordinary currency, you can give it away. With support from the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, the idea has caught on. Today there are at least 200 time dollar programs in some 38 states, with 50,000 members. "Most of these programs raise their own money, and support also comes from foundations, state agencies, corporate agencies, and health maintenance organizations."
MARIE DENNIS, Maryknoll Justice and Peace
REV. LESLIE DOWDELL, Community Renewal Society [ See elsewhere ]
JAMES DUNN, Baptist Joint Commission
WILLIAM DYRNESS, Fuller Theological Seminar [ Now has a "Chair" in Roman Catholic studies. ]
MARIAN WRIGHT EDELMAN, founder and president, Children's Defense Fund [ Home Wreckers No.1 ]
The Children's Defense Fund (CDF) is a private nonprofit organization, providing a strong and effective voice for the children of America, who cannot vote, lobby, or speak for themselves. The CDF goal is to educate the nation about the needs of children, and to encourage preventative investment in children before they become ill, drop out of school, or get into trouble. CDF sponsors the Leave No Child Behind movement, dedicated to seeing that every child has a Healthy Start, a Head Start, a Safe Start, and a Fair Start
On a state-wide scale, Missouri requires that all school districts offer a Parents as Teachers (PAT) program to interested parents. PAT was designed by Dr. Burton White to help families with children ranging in age from infancy to three. The
Missouri program includes:
--Eight personal visits per year with trained "parent educators" who are themselves parents. At least three of these must be in the home of the family served.
--Structured group meetings with the "parent educator" and other parents in the program.
--Screening of children's health, such as vision and hearing, and appropriate intervention.
--Drop-in times at local PAT centers, during which parents can ask questions while their children play.
ZERO TO THREE/National Center for Clinical Infant Programs [ Children's Defense Fund Affiliate ]
ZERO TO THREE promotes measures to improve the physical and mental development of children from birth to age three through exchange of information, research, training, and public policy development. Among its activities are a graduate fellowship program, training institutes, technical assistance activities, the bulletin ZERO TO THREE, task forces to facilitate infancy research, reports on research and public policy issues, and a national clearinghouse.
REV. DR. MILTON B. EFTHIMIOU, ecumenical officer, Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of N. and S. America
TED ENGSTROM, president emeritus, World Vision
REV. DONALD FAIRLEY, Avalon Park United Church of Christ
DAVID FISHER, pastor, Park Street Church, Boston [ Agnostic in the extreme ]
DR. JAMES FORBES, Riverside Church
About Riverside Church-- City of New York
Programs: The church welcomes the participation of members and visitors in all its programs. They include: Bible study and prayer groups, seminars and lectures series for adults; Laity Empowerment, wellness and healing ministries, teams and task forces (housing, AIDS education, peace and disarmament, prison ministry, South Africa); Sunday Church School; youth programs; the Weekday school for preschoolers; food and justice caucus; Maranatha (Riversiders for Gay and Lesbian concerns); English Conversation Program; Pastoral Counseling Center; piano Christian Caucus; Racial Justice Initiative; PS 165 School Project; coalition-building through Harlem Initiatives Together; musical concerts.
The mission of The Racial Justice Initiative of The Riverside Church is to combat racism. The Racial Justice Initiative provides a confidential and non judgmental forum in which Riverside members and friends share their perceptions, prejudices, and fears. We seek change on the personal and institutional levels by recognizing, understanding, and appreciating racial and cultural diversity.
RICHARD FOSTER, president, Renovare
James B. Smith: Jim Smith is currently serving as the Student Chaplain and Theology Instructor at Friends University in Wichita, Kansas. He is a current student in Fuller's Doctor of Ministry program and is writing his final dissertation in the area of Spirituality. He has also worked closely with Richard Foster and Renovare. His most recent publication is entitled, A Spiritual Formation Workbook: A Renovare Resource for Spiritual Renewal
MILLARD FULLER, president, Habitat for Humanity [ Can someone tell us if Millard knew Buckminster? of the geodesic cult? ]
WAYNE C. GORDON, Lawndale Community Church
WES GRANBERG-MICHAELSON, general secretary, Reformed Church in America
BISHOP DR. C. MILTON GRANHUM, New Covenant Church of Philadelpha
FRED GREGORY, president, World Concern
BISHOP THOMAS J. GUMBLETON, Catholic Archdiocese of Detroit
REV. DR. RICHARD HAMM, general minister and president, Christian Church/Disciples of Christ
PETE HAMMOND, InterVarsity Christian Fellowship
REV. RAY HAMMOND, Ten-Point Coalition
STEVE HAYNER, InterVarsity Christian Fellowship
J. BRYAN HEHIR, Harvard Center for International Affairs
WILL L. HERZFELD, Evangelical Lutheran Church in America
ROBERTA HESTENES, president, Eastern College
LUTHER HOLLAND JR., Chicago Metropolitan Association, United Church of Christ
GRETCHEN HULL, Christians for Biblical Equality
TED KEATING, Conference of Major Superiors of Men
REV. ARCHIE LeMONE, Progressive National Baptist Convention, Inc.
BISHOP RAYMOND A. LUCKER, Catholic Diocese of New Ulm, Minnesota
REV. TIMOTHY McDONALD, Iconium Baptist Church
BISHOP GEORGE D. McKINNEY, pastor, St. Stephen's Church of God in Christ
LOIS McKINNEY, Trinity Evangelical Divinity School [ Morgue spiritually ]
GORDON MACDONALD, pastor, Grace Chapel
LUIS MADRIGAL, Hispanic Association of Bilingual Bicultural Ministries
KAREN MAINS and DAVID MAINS, Chapel of the Air Ministries [ Have come full circle from faith to insanity ]
REV. MICHAEL A. MATA, Urban Leadership Institute, Claremont School of Theology
BISHOP LEROY T. MATTHIESEN, Catholic Diocese of Amarillo, Texas
JOHAN MAURER, Friends United Meeting
KEN MEDEMA, pastor and musician [ Soft headed Hollander who abandoned the Faith for fame ]
REV. DR. DONALD E. MILLER, Church of the Brethren [ Traitor ]
CALVIN MORRIS, vice-president, Interdenominational Theological Center
BISHOP P. FRANCIS MURPHY, Catholic Archdiocese of Baltimore
REV. DR. REAVES F. NAHWOOKS, Lincoln and Omaha, Indian Community Churches
REV. DR. SBlipN D. NEWMAN, pastor, First Congregational Church, United Church of Christ
DAN O'NEILL, president, Mercy Corp. International
J.I. PACKER, theologian [ Can anyone take this turn coat seriously anymore? ]
JOHN PERKINS, Christian Community Development Association
REV. GREGORY REISERT OFM Cap., executive director, Catholic Conference of Major Superiors of Men's Institutes
REV. EUGENE RIVERS, Azuza Christian Community
BISHOP PETER A. ROSAZZA, Catholic Archdiocese of Hartford, Connecticut
BRUCE RYSKAMP, Zondervan Publishing House
REV. DR. PAUL SHERRY, president, United Church of Christ [ Sodomy is encouraged and welcomed in pastors. ]
RON SIDER, president, Evangelicals for Social Action
TOM SINE, author and lecturer
Sine, an Episcopalian, teaches at Fuller Seminary's campus in Seattle, where he lives, and consults with church leaders in the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America and other denominations on challenges of the future. In Cease Fire, he takes up the concerns of millions of American Christians who don't count themselves in either camp but want their voices to be heard--not overwhelmed by shouting on the left and the right. They want their votes to count--not get co-opted by candidates who divide people to win office.
J. ALFRED SMITH, Allen Temple Baptist Church
REV. DR. GORDON SOMMERS, Moravian Church in America
HOpiano coversD SNYDER, United Theological Seminary
BISHOP WALTER F. SULLIVAN, Catholic Diocese of Richmond, Virginia
BISHOP MELVIN G. TALBERT, United Methodist Church
SR. CARLOTTA ULLMER, Sisters of St. Francis of the Holy Cross
ELDIN VILLAFANE, professor, Gordon Conwell Theological Seminary
JIM WALLIS, Sojourners
We need to be cautious about this alarm. We live in a time of social crisis. Such a time calls for renewed political vision. And vision depends on spiritual and religious values. You need not be a member of a church, synagogue, or mosque to appreciate this dependence. In fact, you need not be religious at all. Most people would probably agree that beneath the social, economic, cultural, and political problems we confront lie critical questions concerning our deepest values, that our crisis is also one of the spirit -- deeper than just the turns and twists of secular politics. And anyone who believes that fundamental issues are at stake in our political choices can understand the need for political renewal.
Such renewal will require the spiritual resources of our best moral and religious traditions. In America, that means rediscovering our blipish and Christian biblical traditions as well as learning from Native American spiritualities, appreciating the insights of other faith experiences, and remembering the moral imperatives of the political philosophies that shaped the founding of our nation. All have direct contributions to make in recovering our political ethics.
ARCHBISHOP REMBERT G. WEAKLAND, Catholic Archdiocese of Milwaukee
DAN WEISS, American Baptist Churches Blip
REV. DR. JEREMIAH A. WRIGHT, JR., pastor, Trinity United Church of Christ
[ Leading pianos to mediocrity ]