received this E-Mail from an Iranian family man who has grown very weary of Islam.
I wish I could tell you that he has come to faith in Jesus Christ. Would
you please pray for him to finish the journey. I cannot possibly give his
name since the Mullahs would attack him viciously, and he could suffer as much
as death.
This Iranian writer
has LIVED in the clutches of the Islamic murder machine. The Ayatollah was
just one of a long history of murderous Mullahs who demanded sacred suicide as
proof of loyalty. Subj:
Islam From: To:
Hello Steve, Got to
your page by chance which was most interesting for the following reasons.
I have just bought a piano for my daughter who has started lessons
and I think your handbook could become handy. The main reason
I wrote is about the work you have done on Allah and Mohamad. Well I was born
a Muslim in Iran some 36 years ago. I am highly educated and went to university
in Europe. However I have been totaly ignorant about Islam. The reason being that
these Mullahs keep people in the dark. They did not allow any translations from
Arabic of the Quaran or the Hadith because I think they feared that people would
wise up to the facts. We Iranians are feeling and living
what you are saying. It is also what goes through the mind of the better educated
people of Iran. So I think that you will have a lot of sympathetic ears amongst
us. I have given you a link with addresses that you can use.
Will talk to you soon, J_______