WHO IS HE? Following
the road signs of a Hajj from ancient Sumer to Mecca
By: Stephen Van Nattan
© Copyrighted with the US copyright
office By
Stephen Van Nattan-- 1995 © Copyright of Web Site-- 2001 Including
all graphicsThe
wall paper for this page is cuneiform from clay tablets found in the library
of ancient Sumer. The background is copyrighted by Steve Van Nattan.
author makes many observations about Islam, Allah, and Muhammed, but his sources
are the Bible, the Koran, the Hadith of Muhammed, and over 300 scholarly
historians and experts on Middle Eastern history. This book is NOT a lot of
quotes from Christians who quoted Christians who quoted Christians. There
has never before been a study like this which inclusively begins with Sumerian
history and ends in Mecca.
Egyptian Tune We
invite Muslims to examine the origins of Islam and Allah-- Starting from
3000 BC |

is one of many cuneiform epigraphs from the Babylonian and Sumernian empires.
We call them the road signs of the Hajj of Allah from Sumer to Mecca. |
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our purposes. We welcome their false accusations and profane slander for it serves
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to Order, About the Author, In Appreciation, Introduction, and Footnote Instructions
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MOST USEFUL RESOURCES On the Web Defending Islam:If
you came here knowing nothing about Islam, and you think you will be useful
to our Lord without knowing the adversary, you are a slow bellied Cretian.GO
The footnote system is designed to take up minimum
space in the book, yet you can use it to order any item you need as proof.
Each Part of the book starts over in numbering to avoid large numbers. The
number in the footnote will look something like this with other notes added
in some footnotes: 218
/ 361, 368 / 1588
The first number:
Author's number in my bibliography.
368- Second number:
Pages in the author's book providing cited information.
Third number:
Page in my bibliography index. This helps me to find proofs you request.
The first number in the example, 218 above, is the number of the Author. Turn
to the back of this book to the Bibliography, and
you will find the author by matching the number which appears in front of
his name. The second number, 361, 368 above, is the page in the author's
book. This will help you to find the book in a large city library or at a university.
Or, to get the bibliography pages footnoted directly from me, give me the
complete number set (including the third number, 1588 in the example) by E-mail,
and I shall send you the bibliographical material of the footnoted item.
I will have to limit this to the time I have available.
you wish to contact me, send E-Mail.
If you have not read the actual chapters of the book, I will not respond to
your mail. I can tell when Muslims read the Index and a couple of pages and
then send flames. If you will not read further, I shall ignore you.
Allah, Blessed Quietness,
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Center, 9/11, osama, al qaeda, ismaili, aga khan, Mecca, Arabs, Taif, Sumer, Allat,
Ishtar, Euphrates, Zwemmer, mesopotamia, asshur, assyria, Medina, Arabia, Saudi
Arabia, Yemen, Haudramaut, Coffee, Saba, Ethiopia, Red Sea, Tema, Egypt, Phoenicia,
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Isa, Yitha, El, Elohim, Abraham, Ishmael, Mullah, Mosque, Kaaba, Koran, Bible,
Nile, Tigris, Damascus, Nineveh, Elam, Upanishads, Vedanta, Kali, New World Order,
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Salladin. Patai, Iraq, Iran, Jordan, Moab, Amman, Ammon, Bush, Kissinger, Greek,
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PLO, Persia, persian gulf, Arafat, Rabbi, Jew, Jewish, Palestinian, Terrorist,
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Al Hadiz, Accad, Akkad, Petra, Bahrain, Abdullah, Ahmed, Akbar, Anabaptist. Lord,
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Circumcision, Clitoridectomy, Constantine, Contextualization, Coptic, Croatia,
Cyrus, Daniel, Dar-ul-Harb, Deedat, Dilmun, Djibouti, Dowry, Dubai, Dusares, Eid,
El Elyon, El Elyon, Enlil, Ereshkigal, Faisal, Falasha, Ghadaffi, Gog, Gorbachev,
Gulf, Habasha, Hagar, Hajj, Hamite, Hammurabi, Havilah, Hebrew, Herodotus, Houris,
Muta, Marriage, Injil, Intifada, Ishmaelite, Iswara, Jizya, Josephus, Judah, Kabbala,
Kaffir, Khartoum, Kouraish, Lebanon, Libido, Lilith, Lucifer, Madhi, Madrassa,
Marduk, Mary, Rivera, Mass, Mesopotamia, Moses, Moshey, Nabataean, Nanak, Negev,
v, Noah, Orthodox, Ottoman, Pakistan, Palmyra, Peter, Phoenicia, Pillar, Qatab,
Qibla, Quran, Koran, Rimmon, Roman Catholic , Rome, Russia, Sadat, Safiya, Satanic
Verses, Semitic, Serpent, Shem, Shiite, Sinai, Sodom, Sufi, Suni, Sunnat, Tirmizi,
Wadd, Waraqah, Wives, Word, Yeshua, Ziggurat, Zwemmer |