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on the Bible book, and you will be sent to a list of events in
that book.
New Piece of Cloth | B | Matthew 9:16 |
New Wine | B | Matthew 9:17 |
Strong Man | B | Matthew 12:29 |
Unclean Spirit | B | Matthew 12:43-45 |
Sower | B | Matthew 13:3-23 |
Tares of The Field | B | Matthew 13:24 & 36-43 |
Mustard Seed | B | Matthew 13:31-32 |
Leaven | B | Matthew 13:33 |
Treasure Hid In A Field | B | Matthew 13:44 |
Pearl of Great Price | B | Matthew 13:45-46 |
Dragnet | B | Matthew 13:47-50 |
Scribe | B | Matthew 13:52 |
Every Plant GOD Has Not Planted | B | Matthew 15:13 |
Wicked Servant | B | Matthew 18:23-35 |
Householder | B | Matthew 20:1-16 |
Two Sons | B | Matthew 21:28-31 |
Vineyard | B | Matthew 21:33-44 |
Marriage Supper | B | Matthew 22:2-14 |
Faithful And Wise Servant | B | Matthew 24:45-51 |
Wise And Foolish Virgins | B | Matthew 25:1-12 |
Talents | B | Matthew 25:14-30 |
Seed Growing of Itself | B | Mark 4:26-29 |
Two Debtors | B | Luke 7:41-50 |
Good Samaritan | B | Luke 10:30-37 |
Rich Fool | B | Luke 12:16-21 |
Barren Fig Tree | B | Luke 13:6-9 |
Building A Tower | B | Luke 14:28-30 |
Going To War | B | Luke 14:31-33 |
Lost Sheep | B | Luke 15:3-7 |
Lost Coin | B | Luke 15:8-10 |
Lost Son | B | Luke 15:11-32 |
Unjust Steward | B | Luke 16:1-8 |
Rich Man And Lazarus | B | Luke 16:19-31 |
Unprofiable Servants | B | Luke 17:7-10 |
Persistent Widow | B | Luke 18:1-8 |
Pharisee And The Publican | B | Luke 18:10-14 |
Christ The Door of The Sheep | B | John 10:1-9 |
My Father The Vinedresser | B | John 15:1-2 |
Axe Laid To The Root Of The Trees | B | Matthew 3:10 |
Fan In His Hand | B | Matthew 3:12 |
Disciples The Salt Of The Earth | B | Matthew 5:13 |
Disciples The Light Of The World | B | Matthew 5:14 |
Agree With Your Adversary Quickly | B | Matthew 5:21-26 |
Hearing Christ's Sayings | B | Matthew 7:24-27 |
Fire, Salt, And Peace | B | Mark 9:49-50 |
Every Valley Shall Be Filled | B | Luke 3:5-6 |
Blind Leading The Blind | B | Luke 6:39 |
Children In The Marketplace | B | Luke 7:31-34 |
In Sorrow | B | John 14 |
Men Fail You | B | Psalms 27 |
You Have Sinned | B | Psalms 51 |
You Worry | B | Matthew 6:19-34 |
You Are In Danger | B | Psalms 91 |
You Have The Blues | B | Psalms 34 |
GOD Seems Far Away | B | Psalms 139 |
You Are Discouraged | B | Isaiah 40 |
You Are Lonely Or Fearful | B | Psalms 23 |
You Feel Down And Out | B | Romans 8:28-39 |
You Want Courage For Your Task | B | Joshua 1 |
The World Seems Bigger Than GOD | B | Psalms 90 |
You Want Rest And Peace | B | Matthew 11:25-30 |
Leaving Home For Labor Or Travel | B | Psalms 121 & 107:23-32 |
You Get Bitter Or Critical | B | I Corinthians 13 |
Thinking Of Investments & Returns | B | Mark 10:23-24 |
B | B | And Matthew 25:14-30 |
Allah, Muhammed, Muslim,
Hadith, Islam, WTC, World Trade Center, 9/11, osama, al qaeda, ismaili,
aga khan, Mecca, Arabs, Taif, Sumer, Allat, Ishtar, Euphrates, Zwemmer,
mesopotamia, asshur, assyria, Medina, Arabia, Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Haudramaut,
Coffee, Saba, Ethiopia, Red Sea, Tema, Egypt, Phoenicia, Israel, Horus,
Ashtart, Rimmon, Asshur, Rahman, Brahman, India, Vedas, Hindu, Isa, Yitha,
El, Elohim, Abraham, Ishmael, Mullah, Mosque, Kaaba, Koran, Bible, Nile,
Tigris, Damascus, Nineveh, Elam, Upanishads, Vedanta, Kali, New World
Order, talking heads, CBS, NBC, BBC, Babylon, Nippor, Ur, Bahrain, Oman,
Zanzibar, Zinj, Dhow, Camel, Oil, Kuwait, Persia, Paul, Jesus, Fatima,
Khadijah, Zamzam, Omar, Nimrod, Semiramis, fatima, Epigraphs, Inscriptions,
Dar ul Islam, Jihad, Dearborn, Birmingham, Imam, Sheik, Phallic, Moon,
Goddess, Sun, Star, Angel, Al Uzza, Manat, Imam, Mullah, Innana, Inanna,
Frazer, Winnett, Archaeology, Pholio, Nazareth, Jerusalem, Prophecy, Jinn,
India, Oasis, Oases, Rub Al Qwain, Empty Quarter, Bedhoin, Salladin. Patai,
Iraq, Iran, Jordan, Moab, Amman, Ammon, Bush, Kissinger, Greek, Lato,
Lat, Vatican, Grand, Latin, Dagon, Gilgamesh, Gilgamesh, Nebuchadnezzar,
India, Sand, Palm, Cairo, Baghdad, Saddam, Nasser, Zionism, Zionist, PLO,
Persia, persian gulf, Arafat, Rabbi, Jew, Jewish, Palestinian, Terrorist,
War, Eastern, Gate, Taima, Negus, Hegira. Hegira, Jiddah, Paradise, Isaac,
Abdallah, Al Hadiz, Accad, Akkad, Petra, Bahrain, Abdullah, Ahmed, Akbar,
Anabaptist. Lord, Apostle, Nation, Armenia, Aryan, Eritrea, Asmara, Syria,
Ayatollah, Ayesha, Aden, Yemen, Haudramaut, Aziz, Ba'al, Baal, Babel,
Basilica, Basra, Beirut, Bethlehem, Boniface, Ghali, Budhist, Cabbala,
Caliph, Calneh, Canaan, Cannibal, Chaldeans,Christ, Circumcision, Clitoridectomy,
Constantine, Contextualization, Coptic, Croatia, Cyrus, Daniel, Dar-ul-Harb,
Deedat, Dilmun, Djibouti, Dowry, Dubai, Dusares, Eid, El Elyon, El Elyon,
Enlil, Ereshkigal, Faisal, Falasha, Ghadaffi, Gog, Gorbachev, Gulf, Habasha,
Hagar, Hajj, Hamite, Hammurabi, Havilah, Hebrew, Herodotus, Houris, Muta,
Marriage, Injil, Intifada, Ishmaelite, Iswara, Jizya, Josephus, Judah,
Kabbala, Kaffir, Khartoum, Kouraish, Lebanon, Libido, Lilith, Lucifer,
Madhi, Madrassa, Marduk, Mary, Rivera, Mass, Mesopotamia, Moses, Moshey,
Nabataean, Nanak, Negev, v, Noah, Orthodox, Ottoman, Pakistan, Palmyra,
Peter, Phoenicia, Pillar, Qatab, Qibla, Quran, Koran, Rimmon, Roman Catholic
, Rome, Russia, Sadat, Safiya, Satanic Verses, Semitic, Serpent, Shem,
Shiite, Sinai, Sodom, Sufi, Suni, Sunnat, Tirmizi, Wadd, Waraqah, Wives,
Word, Yeshua, Ziggurat, Zwemmer