The Family
Book Store
More than just books!

In Association with


A project of Mary and Ruth
Van Nattan.
When you order from our book store, will give us a portion of the profit. They do not raise their own prices to do this. accepts credit card orders both by secure online service as well as by phone. They also accept checks by mail (and possibly money orders). Their policy is to keep your private information private.

They offer several shipping options worldwide. They are now offering free shipping on qualified orders.

Please note that we cannot agree with all of the content of all of the books we offer here, but we hope that you will find things in all of them to help you.

Last updated:
Sept. 13, '01

...of making many books there is no end...
Ecclesiastes 12:12

Books Etc.

Cook books from around the world. Great gift ideas! Food is one of the best ways to learn about other cultures. Great addition to the kid's soblipl studies and history lessons.
Books to help you grow spiritually, inform and strengthen you: Defense of the King James Bible; History; Creation vs. "evil"ution, And More.
Books to help with building porjects: Roofing; Garages; Sheds; Decks, etc.
Guides of all kinds:Birds, Flowers; Hunting & Fishing; Hiking; Bugs; And More
Books that offer helpful hints, organizing ideas, and more. Great for beginners and fledglings. :-)

All kinds of things necessary, useful, and fun in caring for babies. Great gifts!

Toys that inspire creativity.


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background & graphics by mary vannattan