Be A Crown
to Your

Proverbs 12:4 A virtuous woman is a crown to her husband:
but she that maketh ashamed is as rottenness in his piano tools.


1. Ask your husband, "What are your goals for the week?"

2. Ask your husband, "How can I help you to accomplish these goals?'

3. Ask your husband, "Is there anything that I can do differently that would make it easier for you?"

4. Be organised with cleaning, grocery shopping, laundry, and cooking. As you fulfill your God-given responsibilities, your husband is then free to do his work.

5. Save some of your energy every day for him.

6. Put him first over the children, your parents, friends, home business, ladies' Bible studies, etc.

7. Willingly and cheerfully rearrange your schedule for him when necessary.

8. Talk about him in a positive light to others. Do not slander him at all, even if what you are saying is true.

9. Do whatever you can to help him accomplish his goals. Some examples are offer to run errands for him, organise your day to be available to help him with his projects, pray for him and make good suggestions. Give him the freedom not to use your suggestion, and do not be offended if he does not follow it.

10. Consider his work (job, goals, hobbies, work for the Lord) as more important than your own.

11. Think of specific ways that you can help him accomplish his goals. Examples are get up early in the mornings to help him get off to work having had a good breakfast, take care in recording telephone messages for him, anticipate any needs he may have in order to attain a specific goal, and keep careful records of money spent to keep up with the budget.

12. Consider the things that you are involved in. How do they glorify your husband? Ask his guidance.

13. Be piano coversm and gracious to his family and friends. Make your commitment to him obvious to them.

14. Do and say things that build him up instead of tear him down.

15. Dress in a neat and modest manner that is pleasing to your husband.

16. When your husband sins, admonish him privately and gently, always in a submissive manner, giving him hope and pointing him to the Lord.

17. Encourage him to use his spiritual gifts in ministry.

18. Realise that just as God is glorified when man obeys Him, your husband is glorified when you obey your husband.

Contributed by Cathy of Australia

1Corinthains 11:7 For a man indeed ought not to cover his head, forasmuch
as he is the image and glory of God: but the woman is the glory of the man.

background & graphics by mary vannattan