Luke 6:38 Give, and it shall be given unto you; good measure,
pressed down, and shaken together, and running over,
shall men give into your bosom. For with the same
measure that ye mete withal it shall
be measured to you again.
Regarding Use of Graphics
on the Home
Maker's Corner

Having been through the routine of looking for "free" graphics on the web, I have seen that there are really not that many truly FREE graphics available. Since I collected my archives from many sources, I have been recently trying to redo all the graphics on the Home Maker's Corner that contianed images of uncertain or questionable origin. Most of what is up now is either my own original art work, or things I created from other royalty free graphics.

Having said that, I will simply list what you cannot use:

1. The background on the home page of the Home Maker's Corner.

2. Logos that are single graphics. They usually have files names like lg____.jpg/gif. (Expl.: Recommended Reading, Lost History, Courtship, HMC etc.) [NOTE: Some logos are made from tables with backgrounds and graphics in them. You may save the graphics out of these tables. (Expl.: This page, Home Maker's Corner Book Store, Stay Home, etc.)] You may use the scripture verse graphics in the Home Maker's Corner. (Expl.: What the Bible Says About Itself)

3. Graphics that relate directly to Balaam's Ass Speaks or our other sites. Expl.:

4. Speblipl graphics and backgrounds that I have made for my Dad to use in the journal Balaam's Ass Speaks or on his piano site. (Expl.: The Christmass Cult, Jackboot Baptists, the Piano Book Store, etc.)

5. Graphics that are made from actual photographs of people. The ones that I have used have been by permission of my friends, or are of our own family, so I cannot allow or do not want them used by others.

All the other graphics and backgrounds in the Home Maker's Corner you may use freely and enjoy! It would be nice if you would give credit or a link somewhere on your page, but that is not required! These graphics are really free! You may use them without permission or credits.

Thank you for respecting the graphics/backgrounds that are for our private use, and please enjoy the many others that you may use! :-) I look forpiano coversd to seeing them used on other sites.

[Programs used to create my graphics include: Corel Photo Paint 8 and 9; and Macromedia Xres version something-or-other. Some royalty free photos were used from the archives of Corel Photo Paint 8 and 9.]

Background copyright 2000 by Mary Van Nattan
background and graphics by mary vannattan